Mayor’s Office
- 2022 Election
- Accessibility
- Accountability & Transparency
Boards & Committees
- Accessibility Advisory Committee
- Agriculture Advisory Committee
- Appeals Committee
- Audit Committee
- Boards & Committees Orientation
- Built & Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee
- Committee of Adjustment
- Environmental Advisory Committee
- External Committees
- Fence Viewers
- Livestock Evaluators
- O.P.P. Detachment Board
- Picton BIA Board of Management
- Planning & Development Committee
- Public Library Board
- Queen Elizabeth Development Community Partners Selection Committee
- Recreation Ward Committee
- Street Naming
- Traffic Advisory Committee
- Water and Wastewater Rates Community Committee
- Working Groups & Task Teams
- CAO’s Office
- Clerk’s Office
- Council
- Council & Committee Meetings
- Mayor’s Office
- Municipal Community Grant Program
Municipal Projects
- Plans and Strategies
Special Capital Projects
- County Road 4 Reconstruction
- H.J. McFarland Memorial Home Redevelopment
- Master Service Plan – East Picton – Addendum
- Picton Main Street Reconstruction – 2024
- Picton Master Servicing Plan
- Picton Town Hill
- Picton Town Hill Intersection Improvements Study
- Rossmore Stormwater Master Servicing Plan
- Water Servicing Strategy Master Municipal Class Environmental Assessment
- Wellington Master Servicing Plan
- Wellington Rotary Beach Plan
- Wellington Trunk Watermain and Sanitary Sewer
- Wellington Wastewater Treatment Plant Class Environmental Assessment
- Wellington Water Tower
- Wellington Water Treatment Plant Class Environmental Assessment
- West Mary Street Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction
Strategic Initiatives
- By-law and Policy Review
- Delhi Park Community Connections
- Downtown Revitalization
- Five Year Road Improvement Plan
- Former Queen Elizabeth School Redevelopment
- Healthcare Initiatives
- Municipal Accommodation Tax
- PEC Affordable Housing Corporation
- Picton Transportation Master Plan
- Short-Term Accommodations
- Tourism Management
- Wellington Master Servicing Plan
A Message from Mayor Steve Ferguson
I decided to make this community my home after my first visit more than 30 years ago. I am deeply passionate and respectful of The County and of those attributes that attracted me in the first place. I’m as passionate and committed to its future and sustainability, and it being a place in which everyone can thrive, be they descendants of the Loyalists, long-time residents, or newcomers.
My business background includes senior sales, marketing and executive positions in the entertainment distribution and retail merchandising industries. From introducing Warner Home Video operations into the Canadian marketplace to developing a national multi-branch distribution organization for Astral Bellevue Pathe to overseeing retail merchandizing operations in the U.S., Canada and the UK, I’ve built and led local, national, and international teams.
Many people who make Prince Edward County home participate in volunteer activities and I am no exception. As municipal councillor for South Marysburgh Ward from 2014 to 2018, I served as the Council representative on the Prince Edward County Chamber of Tourism and Commerce as well as the Heritage Advisory Committee. I am the past-president of the Milford Fair Board and the Prince Edward Historical Society, and the former publisher of the South Marysburgh Mirror.
Throughout my business career and during my term on council, I have become known as someone who is capable of building consensus, and of taking the time to analyze problems and issues from every angle to assess the impact of my decisions on the broadest range of stakeholders.
On a personal level, I share life in Prince Edward County with my partner, Mary Malone, and often with my children, Andrew and Sara, and four fabulous grandchildren when they come to visit.