By-laws and Policies
Policies and by-laws are foundations of good governance. This page promotes awareness, transparency and accountability and serves as a convenient reference.
County by-laws and policies:
- Comply with legislation and align with municipal priorities.
- Follow consistent wording and formatting. Policies will be structured so that they remain relevant for a longer period of time (e.g. no references to specific staff or positions that may change).
- Meet accessibility requirements. Additionally, all municipal policies will be available online and organized by policy streams, making them searchable and easier for the public and staff to locate.
By-law and Policy Review Project
Staff presented the by-law and policy review project to Council in January 2021. Read the staff report. The project is informed by the findings of a high-level review undertaken by third-party consultants Diverse Systems Group in 2020. Read the final report and recommendations.
The goal was to ensure the by-laws and policies are relevant, efficient, and meet the needs of the municipality and community.
During the by-law and policy review, the Clerk’s Office and the respective service staff brought forward reports within each stream for Council’s consideration. The reports are linked below.
Stream 1 – Your Community’s Change and Growth: By-laws and policies related to economic development, property standards, land use planning, and by-law enforcement.
Stream 2 – Your Government and People: By-laws and policies of Council, the CAO’s Office, the Clerk’s Office, human resources, information technology, finance, communications, and other administrative by-laws and policies.
CLS-16-2022 (Information Technology and Finance)
CLS-22-2022 (Administration, Clerk’s Office and Council)
CLS-27-2022 (Human Resources)
Stream 3 – Your Infrastructure and Services: By-laws and policies related to operations, public works, water and wastewater, and traffic.
Stream 4 – Your Livable Community: By-laws and policies related to recreation, community facilities, community programs, accessibility, culture, and the environment.
The County has completed its initial review its by-laws and policies. Updates are ongoing and occur when Council adopts, amends or rescinds a by-law or policy.
Your Government and People
By-law 120-2022 Indemnification By-law
AD 455 Travel Conference and General Expenses
AD 135 Code of Conduct for Members of Council
AD 138 Staff-Council Relations Policy
CLS-02-Use of Corporate Resources in an Election Year Policy
CLS-03 Complaints Management and Resolution Policy
CLS-04 Municipal Closed Meeting Investigation Policy
CLS-05 Transparency and Accountability Policy
CLS-06 Corporate Promotional Items Policy
CLS-07 Appointment to Committees and Boards Policy
CLS-08 Remuneration and Expense Policy
CLS-09 Video Surveillance of Municipal Properties
CLS-10 Routine Disclosure and Active Dissemination Policy
CLS-11 Privacy Breach and Containment Policy
HR-01 Disconnect from Work
HR-02 Anti-Racism Policy
HR-03 Respectful Workplace Policy
HR-04 Workplace Harassment Policy
HR-05 Workplace Violence Policy
HR-06 Recruitment of Employees Policy
HR-07 Orientation and On-Boarding Policy
HR-08 Offboarding of Employees Policy
HR-09 Progressive Discipline Policy
HR-10 Performance Development Policy
HR-11 Electronic Monitoring Policy
IT-01 Information Technology Security Policy
IT-02 Acceptable Use Policy
FIN-01 Operating and Capital Budget Policy
FIN-02 Investment Policy
FIN-03 Debt Policy
FIN-04 Corporate Sponsorship for County Assets Policy
FIN-05 Cash Handling Policy
FIN-06 Tax Administration Policy
FIN-07 Financial Signing Authority Policy
FIN-08 Donations Policy
FIN-10 Reserve and Reserve Fund Policy
FIN-11 Commodity Price Hedging Policy
FIN-12 Tangible Capital Asset Policy
Your Infrastructure and Services
CLS-01 Strategic Asset Management Policy
OPS-03 Mailbox Encroachment Policy
OPS-01 Tree Management and Preservation Policy (with attachment)
OPS-05 Seasonal Roads Policy
OPS-02 Service Agreements on Private Laneways and Roadways Policy
OPS-04 Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Roads Policy
WWS-01 Drinking Water Quality Management System Policy
OPS-06 Fleet Management Policy
Your Livable Community
RCF-01 Ice Allocation
RCF-02 Outdoor Facilities Policy
DS-03 Commemorative Street Naming Policy
CSPI-01 Customer Service for Persons Living with Disabilities Policy
CSPI-02 Celebrations and Commemorations Policy
CSPI-03 Social Media Policy
CSPI-04 Website Content Policy
CSPI-05 Customer Service Policy
CSPI-06 Media Relations
CSPI-07 Marketing and Outreach Policy
CSPI-09 Friendship City Policy
CSPI-10 Community Grants Policy