Delhi Park Community Connections
In 2022, The County received a grant from Infrastructure Canada’s Active Transportation Fund to design a plan for a series of pathways into and through Delhi Park in Picton. The goal of the plan is to develop active transportation routes through Delhi Park to better connect the town of Picton, while improving accessibility and public safety so that the park can be used and enjoyed by all.
Budget information:
- Budget year: 2023
- Total cost: $50,000 in funding from Infrastructure Canada’s Active Transportation Fund.
Project Status:

Phase 2
The design phase of the project is now complete. As directed by Council, staff is seeking funding opportunities to begin a phased approach to implement the Delhi Park Community Connections Active Transportation Plan.
Project Details:
Unofficial and unmaintained pathways through Delhi Park in Picton have been used informally for many years. In the interest of public safety and well-being, the municipality is looking to formalize these routes to create a network of integrated, safe and accessible paths to improve pedestrian and cyclist access within the town of Picton.
The plan is based on existing infrastructure, environmental and landscape constraints, locations of informal pathways and parking, the needs of local communities and stakeholders, the many uses of Delhi Park, and the informal pathways that have been created over the years.
The project will unfold in two phases:
Phase 1 (COMPLETE): From Fall 2023 to Spring 2024, the County engaged the contracted services of VTLA Landscape Architects and worked with a municipal Task Team to guide the project. The final conceptual plan illustrates the long-term vision for Delhi Park to act as a hub for active transportation that will better connect the Town of Picton. The final report of the project, the Delhi Park Community Connections Active Transportation Plan describes the project as a whole, how it came together and next steps. The design phase of the project is now complete.
Phase 2: As directed by Council, Staff is now seeking funding opportunities to begin a phased approach to implement the Delhi Park Community Connections Active Transportation Plan.