Picton Transportation Master Plan
The County of Prince Edward is completing a Transportation Master Plan (TMP) for the Picton Settlement Area.
A higher level of growth is projected within the study area, beyond what was assumed as part of the County-wide TMP completed in 2021. The TMP for the Picton Settlement Area will assess transportation infrastructure needs and priorities based on the existing and planned development within the study area. The TMP will identify improvements to the multi-modal transportation network in order to efficiently address existing and future travel demands.
Final Report Documents
Strategic Alignment:
Livable community: This plan relates to the municipal priority of ensuring roads can continue to connect various communities and allow for economic and social opportunities. As well, the plans is intended to ensure roads are in a condition where young and old can walk or bike to improve health.
Infrastructure renewal: This plan relates to the municipality’s goal of maintaining in good condition the existing core infrastructure and services.
Resident- Council relations: The Consultation process aims to increase resident participation in the formal decision-making process by encouraging participation in meetings, committees and consultation efforts.
Budgeting: This TMP aims to inform long-term fiscal planning.
Community infrastructure: The TMP will support the timely construction of infrastructure to support approved growth and development.
Key Documents:

Prince Edward County Transportation Master Plan
Prince Edward County has prepared this Transportation Master Plan (TMP) to consider how to best manage financial resources in support of walking, cycling, transit, and the road network within the County to accommodate forecast population growth to the year 2038 and beyond.

Official Plan
An Official Plan describes policies on how land in the community should be used. It is prepared with input from the public and helps to ensure that planning and development meets the community’s needs now and in the future. The County’s Official Plan guides how the municipality will grow and develop over the next 25 years.
This study is being undertaken in accordance with Approach #2 of the Master Planning Process, as outlined in Section A.2.7 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) document (2023).
The TMP will meet all MCEA requirements for Phases 1 and 2 of the MCEA process for any recommended Schedule ‘B’ and ‘C” projects, however any Schedule ‘C’ projects identified will be required to proceed to a Phase 3 and 4 Schedule ‘C’ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment.
Public Consultation:
This study will include a comprehensive consultation process. Public participation is encouraged. Three Public Consultation Centres (PCCs) are currently planned as part of this study.
Public Consultation Centre #3
A third and final public consultation centre (PCC) took place on Tuesday, July 16. At the PCC, the study team provided a summary of the feedback received to date. The team also presented and gathered feedback on the evaluation of alternative solutions, recommended solutions, and next steps in the study process.
Click here to view the information boards from PCC#3
The deadline to provide comments is August 13, 2024. Contact Jeff Shortt by email or call 613.476.2148 extension 1007.
Public Consultation Centre #2
Preliminary findings and alternative solutions were presented at a second public consultation centre (PCC) for the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) amendment for Picton on Wednesday, April 3, 2024.
Click here to view the information boards from PCC#2
Public Consultation Centre #1
During the first PCC on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, the team introduced the study and gathered public feedback on the study background, existing study area conditions, and next steps in the study process. The study team answered questions from the public.
Click here to view the information boards that were displayed at the first PCC.
Staff Contact
Jeff Shortt, C.E.T., PMP
Project Manager, Engineering Division
Phone: 613.476.2148 ext. 1007
Fax: 613.476-9121