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Tourism Management


Tourism management planning helps the municipality to plan for and manage the busy summer visitor season. The annual Tourism Management Plan (TMP) guides the municipality in investing a portion of the Municipal Accommodations Tax (MAT) on improvements to community services and amenities.

The TMP usually includes initiatives related to parks, beaches, boat launches, washroom and garbage service, the Millennium Trail, accessibility improvements, transportation and wayfinding signage. It is created by a cross-departmental municipal team, in collaboration with tourism industry partners such as Visit The County, and is approved by Council each year.

A man sits in a lawn chair on a sandy beach with a colourful umbrella over him.

Strategic Alignment:

Priority: Economic Development

Support a strong and diversified economy, providing meaningful options for people to live and work in The County.

Background information:

Tourism Management Plan Staff Report 2024

Tourism Management Plan Workplan and Budget

2024 Tourism Management Plan:

Residents can find information about summer amenities and how to navigate the summer season on the Summer Hub, updated each May.

Specific actions in this years’ Tourism Management Plan include:

  • A cycle of summer planning and evaluation meetings with internal and external stakeholders
  • Eliminating the admission fee at Wellington Rotary Beach and instead creating a “beach steward” position to help visitors at the beach, perform light maintenance and support the implementation of the mobility mat and chairs
  • Accessibility improvements at summer tourism amenities (such as accessible parking spaces, accessible portable washrooms, and improved pathways/surfaces)
  • Partnerships with Uride and the local taxi sector to improve transportation options
  • Beautification of park benches in Bloomfield
  • Invasive species management (such as Wild Parsnip) along the Millennium Trail
  • Creating a service depot in Wellington to improve response times for service at western County parks and washrooms
  • Continuing the PEC Summer Pass program for parking at Bakker Road and Huyck’s Point Road
  • Beginning research and consultation for a municipal boat launch strategy, and installing free parking spaces for non-trailered vehicles at Glendon Green, Prinyers Cove, McFarland, Northport and Big Island boat launches
  • Investments in wayfinding and information signage throughout the County

Staff Contact

Julianne Snepsts,

Programs Supervisor

Phone: 613.476.2148 x2506
Fax: 613.471-2050