County Road 4 Reconstruction
Roadway improvements on County Road 4 from the Millennium Trail to County Road 34, inclusive of intersection improvements with Hull Road and County Road 34. In addition, roadway improvements of Talbot Street from George Wright Boulevard to the Millennium Trail.
Budget information:
- Budget year: 2022
- Total cost: $3,500,000
Project Status:

The majority of this project is complete. Minor cosmetic work will be completed in spring 2023. Street lighting will also be installed on Talbot Street from George Wright Boulevard to Millennium Trail.
Project Details:
The proposed works on County Road 4 will involve various culvert replacements and drainage improvements along with repaving of the existing roadway.
The proposed works on the section of Talbot Street will involve the installation of new underground infrastructure including watermains, sanitary sewers, and storm sewers. After that work is complete, whereby the roadway will be reconstructed with new concrete curb and gutters, concrete sidewalk, and a new asphalt roadway surface.
At its meeting on May 24, 2022, Council approved awarding the tender for this work to Earth-Crete (Ontario). Read the report