Wellington Master Servicing Plan
The County of Prince Edward has completed the master plan for water, sanitary, and stormwater services for the Wellington Urban Centre.
The master plan considered, evaluated alternatives, and identified the preferred infrastructure upgrades for water treatment and distribution, wastewater treatment and collection, and stormwater management to accommodate immediate development and long-term growth opportunities to full ‘build out’ of the urban boundary, as per the Wellington Urban Centre Secondary Plan.
This study has completed Phases 1 and 2 (‘Schedule B’) of the Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) process, as outlined by the Municipal Engineers Association.
Summary of Preferred Infrastructure Upgrades
Preferred infrastructure upgrades are shown in the table below. All projects fall under the ‘Schedule B’ project category within the Class EA process unless noted otherwise. Projects that belong to the ‘Schedule B’ project can proceed with further detailed studies, design and construction after the public review period. Projects that belong to the ‘Schedule C’ category can proceed to Phase 3 and 4 of the Class EA process.
Water | Wastewater | Stormwater |
New trunk watermain on Wellington Main Street, Cleminson Street, Millennium Trail, and Belleville Street | New sanitary sewers on Wellington Main Street, Cleminson Street, and Millennium Trail | Stormwater ponds, associated storm sewers, and outfalls within developable areas |
New elevated water storage tank | New equalization tank at wastewater treatment plant | |
New Wellington Water Treatment Plant (phased) Schedule C Class EA required | New Wellington Wastewater Treatment Plant (phased) Schedule C Class EA required | |
New sewage pumping station and associated forcemain for east end developable lands |
Project Status
The Environmental Study Report, associated Technical Memoranda, and appendices were placed on public record for a 30-day review period, which ended on Friday, June 11, 2021.