Wellington Water Tower
The County has constructed a new water tower (elevated water storage tank) in the Village of Wellington. The new water tower is located at the northeast corner of the Belleville Street and First Avenue intersection.
The project also includes the installation of a permanent bulk water filling station at the site. This new station will replace the existing station on Beach Street and the temporary station at the Wellington and District Community Centre.
Budget information:
- Budget year: 2022
- Total cost: $9,002,000
Project Status:

Construction was completed in spring 2023. The water tower is tentatively scheduled to go into service in fall 2023.
Project Details:
A master servicing plan completed by the County in 2021 recommended constructing a new elevated water tank with larger storage capacity and higher water level.
The new elevated tank will:
- Be sized for the present and future water demands
- Provide the recommended pressures for the planned future developments and improvements to the existing system
- Funded in part by area-specific Development Charges for the Wellington Urban Serviced Area
The County considered five locations for the elevated tank. The municipality identified the site at the northeast corner of the Belleville Street and First Avenue intersection as the most suitable location for the following reasons:
- Suitable elevation
- Simple connectivity to the existing distribution system
- The municipality owns the property, which reduces costs and expedites the design and construction phases of the project
- No natural environment or archaeological concerns
Information session:
The County hosted an information session for this project on February 9, 2022. View a recording of this session on the County’s YouTube channel.