Prince Edward County Municipal Services


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Housing Options

Looking for housing?

Information for County of Prince Edward residents who are looking for housing


Information for County of Prince Edward residents who do not have permanent housing

Information for residents who are looking for housing

Housing Listings

These listings are updated weekly. Properties rent quickly. If a link does not work, that property is no longer available.

Please note: The County of Prince Edward does not inspect, recommend, or guarantee housing listed. Neither the properties on the list nor the listers are endorsed by the municipality. Further, all listings on this page are provided to users “as is” and should be verified independently with the lister. In no event shall municipality be liable for any damages of any kind related to the use or misuse of information provided hereby. The County of Prince Edward does not warrant the completeness, timeliness, or accuracy of any of the listings and/or other information and may make changes there to at any time in their sole discretion without notices.

For more information or if you require the list in another format, contact the Housing Help Coordinator at or call 613.476.2148 extension 1069.

Housing Application System

Current and former Prince Edward County residents can now apply for affordable rental housing with any provider in Prince Edward County that has units with rents that are at least 20 per cent below median market rent.

Applicants are ranked on when they applied and their housing status. Applicants must provide proof of gross household income within 10 days of being offered a tenancy. Click here to learn more about the tenant application management procedure and how to appeal decisions about applications.

If you need help completing this form and/or require a paper copy, please contact Elis Ziegler, Affordable Housing Supervisor, at 613.476.2148 extension 1529 or email

Social Housing

Apply for non-profit, subsidized and rent-geared to income at Prince Edward Lennox and Addington Social Services (229 Picton Main Street) or call 613.476.2842.

Affordable Market Rent Housing

The Prince Edward County Affordable Housing Corporation is currently developing two properties for affordable housing. These projects include one-bedroom up to three-bedroom townhomes, with rents at the low end of the market rates so that tenants pay no more than 30 per cent of their household income on total occupancy costs.

You can apply for this housing online through the Prince Edward County Affordable Housing Corporation website, by email, or by phone at 613.922.3785.

Please note: construction of these projects has not started and an occupancy date is not known at this time. The Affordable Housing Corporation continues to hold applications that have been submitted. The Affordable Housing Corporation will determine application eligibility and extend offers once an occupancy date is finalized. Applicants will receive updates when further information is available.

Information for residents who do not have permanent housing

Intensive Case Management 

If you are currently homeless or will be soon, contact Intensive Case Management for emergency help, counselling, education and supports.

Contact the Picton office of Next Step Housing at 613.476.6456 extension 677.

Leeward House Transitional Housing Facility

The municipality now operates Leeward House, a transitional housing facility for people who are homeless.

Residents of the facility can live there for a minimum of three months. Residents must:

  • Be at least 16 years old
  • Agree to lead payment of their accommodation fee from either their shelter benefit or 30% of their income
  • Lead their with short and long term plans with the support of Leeward House staff
  • Live in a cooperative setting with other people
  • Participate in house activities and programs

Find out more at or call 343.645.3472.

PELASS By-Name List Program

Prince Edward Lennox and Addington Social Services (PELASS) offers supports to people who agree to be part of the By-Name List. Contact PELASS to access By-Name List supports by phone 613.354.0957 or visit the PELASS office at 229 Picton Main Street, Picton.

Prince Edward County residents are asked to call 1-866-354-0957 and Press 2 to apply for Social Housing and BNL. Residents should only contact the local office if they are already working with a Caseworker.