Housing Supports and Other Assistance
Need help to stay housed?
Use these legal, financial, and social supports and resources when you need help keeping your housing. The resources and supports are for both tenants and property owners.
Housing Help
Having problems keeping your housing? Did you receive an N Notice? Want to get resources to help keep your housing?
Call the Housing Help Coordinator at 613.476.2148 extension 1069 or email housinghelp@pecounty.on.ca.
Tenant Legal Help
Get legal advice and representation from the Community Legal and Advocacy Centre by calling 613.966.8686 or get legal information on many different types of law by visiting Community Legal Education Ontario.
Financial Support for Your Housing
Assistance is available for rent, energy, water/wastewater rates, and property taxes from the following sources:
Emergency Rent Assistance
Prince Edward – Lennox & Addington Social Services (PELASS) provides financial assistance to low-income households in emergency situations or other immediate needs.
To find out if you’re eligible or to apply for assistance, please call 613.354.0957 or toll free 1.866.354.0957.
PELASS Ontario Renovates
This provincial program can help with repairs needed in the home you own. Learn more
Utility Assistance
The Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP) provides monthly on-bill credits for lower-income customers to reduce their electricity bills. Learn more about the program and see if you qualify.
You can get help with this program by going to the following:
- Prince Edward Lennox and Addington Social Services for qualifying households 613.354.0957 or toll free 1.866.354.0957
- Prince Edward Learning Centre 613.476.1811
- Community Care For Seniors 613.476.7493
Water/Wastewater and Property Tax Financial Assistance
The County Foundation runs a program every year for tenants and landlords
Qualifying tenants who pay for water and wastewater services can apply for a credit of up to $350 on their water bill.
Qualifying homeowners can apply for a credit of up to $750 on their property tax account. Learn more
Visit the municipal website for information on additional supports available for housing financial relief.
Income Tax Help
County residents can access provincial and federal benefits by filing their income tax.
Assistance is available through the Prince Edward Learning Centre (Rexall Plaza, 97 Picton Main Street, Picton, 613.476.1811) or Community Care for Seniors (74A King Street, Picton, 613.476.7493).