Prince Edward County Municipal Services


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Ameliasburgh Heritage Village
Macaulay House
Macaulay Heritage Park
Mariners Park Museum
Rose House
Rose House Museum
Wellington Heritage Museum

The County Museums are gathering spaces to engage with local heritage, the material and intangible alike, and to reflect on the compelling ties it shares with Prince Edward County’s vibrant and contemporary culture. We interpret the centuries-old heritage of Prince Edward County by collecting, preserving, and exhibiting the material culture that best illustrate its captivating essence, including natural history specimens, historical artifacts, stories, objects of art and heritage sites. 

Together, these provide the basis for exhibitions and educational programmes, for research and study, for special performances, lectures and symposia, and for outreach. Our facilities also serve as unique backdrops for community occasions such as special events, ceremonies, and celebrations.

The County Museums are the guardians of 35 buildings/structures and an estimated 50,000 artifacts. They are also the caretakers of heritage gardens, parkland, orchards, outdoor exhibits and an early 19th century cemetery.

Prince Edward County Council is the governing authority for the Museum system and receives recommendations from the Built and Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee.


The Museums of Prince Edward County offers programming to the community, including school programs, and welcomes groups to rent their facilities and grounds for special events.

We are currently revamping our curriculum! 

While we revise our curriculum, we are still accepting School Groups and will provide a custom program for your class. School Visits at all five museum sites provide multiple entry points to a variety of curriculum connections, especially in the subjects of Social Studies, Science and Art. 

For inquiries about “A Path Forward” at Macaulay Heritage Park, please contact Erin Davis at 

For inquiries about all other sites, including Macaulay House, please contact Cassandra Waldon at 

Site rentals for each of the museums are arranged through staff. The rental form for The County Museums can be found below, and includes an updated fee schedule for 2023.

Rental Contract for The County Museums 2023‌‌

For more information about renting one of the County Museums, please contact us.

Summer camps will return in 2025. Please contact us for availability.

Tours for Groups

For groups of 10+, private tours can be arranged depending on staff availability. Topics include the history of Consecon, Demorestville, Wellington, Waupoos or our Graveyard and Gallows tour. Contact us for more info.

Stay tuned to our events listings for any upcoming walking tours!

When it can be accommodated, filming and photography can be arranged at the County Museums.

Several of the Museums operate in park-like settings and are often host to impromptu outdoor photography sessions both during and outside of museum operating hours. The Museums rely on volunteers to keep our grounds beautiful. Please consider making a donation to the site if you plan on using the museum properties for a photography session.

All Museums – Filming & Photography Fees

Professional Photography – Interior and Exterior
$50 per hour

Please contact us if you are interested in filming or scheduling a photography session at The County Museums, as each request is unique!


Filming Guidelines

Museums of Prince Edward County

  • The Museums of Prince Edward County are heritage sites and utmost care must be exercised by film crews when working on museum property.
  • Museums of Prince Edward County will designate a curatorial staff member to act as Site Supervisor during filming. The Site Supervisor shall have power of authority regarding use of the property and application of these guidelines. Museum staff will provide a cooperative environment for film shooting; however, they must also safeguard the historic property, its buildings and collections.
  • Interior architectural features, furnishings, artwork, decorative objects and artifacts are considered priceless and irreplaceable. They must be protected at all times. The exterior architecture and landscape must also be considered in the same light.
  • Particularly vulnerable rooms may only be filmed with minimal crew and equipment. These details are to be discussed and negotiated with curatorial staff prior to the commencement of filming.
  • Due to space restraints the Museum site will be closed to the public during filming.

A Considerate Neighbour

  • Reasonable effort must be made to minimize disruption to neighbouring residents. Notice to neighbours will be required where filming is likely to cause a disturbance in a residential area, e.g. exterior night lighting, traffic stopping, lane closures, loud noises etc.

Art Department, Set Dressing & Props

  • For the most part, furniture, decorative objects and artwork may be used as set dressing. Museum staff will identify specific artifacts that may be utilized for visual interest only.
  • Large pieces, such as pianos, tables, sideboards etc. must remain in their exact location.
  • Sensitive artifacts and decorative objects deemed at risk will be removed to storage by Museum staff prior to film crew arrival on site.
  • Some artwork, because of size or condition, must remain in original positions and may not be handled by on-set dressers or props personnel. Again, these details are to be discussed and negotiated with curatorial staff prior to the commencement of filming.
  • Rugs cannot be removed and must be covered and protected.
  • Any replacement dressing must not exceed the weight and dimensions of the originals.
  • Heavy items, such as marble or bronze statues, large greenery arrangements, heavy mirrors or chandeliers may not be placed on original furnishings or hung from existing hooks or fixtures.
  • Bookcases must be left undisturbed. Individual volumes may not be pulled and moved about as set dressing.
  • Furnishings may not be removed from the premises, except in special circumstances, and with Curatorial approval, where removal for cleaning or conservation treatment will actually enhance preservation of the object.
  • Use of candles or lanterns will require additional fire safety arrangements.
  • On-set dressers and props personnel must be briefed on proper handling of furnishings. Decorative objects may only be moved by Museum staff.
  • Personnel may not handle blinds, drapes or other window coverings due to the fragility of fabrics and hardware. Grip clips and tie-backs cannot be used on original fabrics.

Camera Department

  • Use of fabric tees or other non-adhesive materials must be employed for position marking.

Construction Department

  • Extensive set construction and alteration of the site is not permitted. Temporary “fill” pieces may be used providing they are light-weight, pressure-fitted, padded or felted, but there can be no construction or painting in-situ.
  • Removal of existing door hardware, knobs, hinges, closing mechanisms etc. is not permitted, even temporarily.
  • No adhesives may be used to affix floor or other coverings.

Lighting & Grips Departments

  • Care must be taken to prevent excessive temperature fluctuations. Museum staff must be consulted in advance about cabling routes and equipment access, especially under rain or snow conditions.
  • Protective mats or greenboard must be placed under equipment, stands and cases, and along all cable routes (may be wrapped in clean white sheets).
  • Absolutely nothing may be taped or affixed to any surface.
  • Personnel may not handle blinds, drapes or other window coverings (except shutters) due to the fragility of fabrics and hardware. Grip clips and tie-backs cannot be used on original fabrics.
  • Lighting must not be aimed at or placed near paintings, prints or textiles; temporary screening will be required near light-sensitive furnishings.
  • Architectural features such as pier mirrors, mouldings, valances, pilasters, cornices, decorative details and chandeliers are not permitted for adaptation as stands or supports for equipment.

Locations Department


  • Floors and carpets must be protected with duramats, greenboard or clean cotton sheets and moving blankets throughout the set areas and along any equipment/personnel routes. Doorways, walls and furnishings must also be protected with corrugated cardboard, bubble wrap or moving blankets. These will need frequent adjustments during filming to ensure continuous coverage.
  • Absolutely nothing may be taped or affixed to any wall or floor surface, nor any object or furnishing, even when securing protective coverings.


  • Cleanliness must be maintained during filming. Upon completion of filming, Museum staff will thoroughly clean areas used. The production company will be responsible for staffing costs related to this cleaning.

Access & Accommodations:

  • Cast and crew members, guests or other personnel associated with the productions must be provided with identification tags.
  • Personnel are restricted to the specific areas involved in the production that day. All other areas are to be considered off limits.
  • The public washrooms are available for use during filming; however they are limited facilities. The production company may provide portable toilets to be installed on the grounds.
  • Care must be taken to prevent excessive temperature fluctuations; equipment, cabling and personnel routs may be restricted accordingly.
  • Personnel may not sit on any of the furniture or place anything on or against tabletops walls or other surfaces unless otherwise specified.
  • Smoking is only permitted outdoors; ash cans must be provided by the Locations Department.
  • The Museum office telephone, fax and photocopier are for Museum business use only.
  • Advance clearances must be obtained from municipal or regional authorities for traffic stopping, lane or road closures, during move-in and/or filming.

Craft Services & Catering:

  • The kitchen is not available for use by craft services. If not required for filming or prop preparation, craft services may be set up outside.
  • No food or beverages may be brought in to the buildings, with the exception of food designated spaces (i.e. the tea room)
  • Food garbage and other refuse must be removed from the property at the end of each day.

Dramatic Effects:

  • Actions or violent movements which may damage original building fabric are not permitted, without advance approval and mitigating preparation. This includes slamming of doors, drawers and cupboards, shutters, throwing of objects and deliberate spills.


  • In most cases, mechanical/electric vibrations or noises can be reduced. Permission must be obtained by Museum staff before shutting down or unplugging any mechanical devices or appliances.

Special Effects Department

  • All fireplaces are inoperable (with the exception of the Winter Kitchen at Macaulay House) 
  • Smoke effects, fireworks and explosion sound effects are not permitted, either indoors or out.
  • Gunshots will require advance approval by Museum staff and municipal authorities, and must respect neighbouring residents.

Transportation Department

  • Parking is restricted to barest essential vehicles (i.e. generator truck & equipment trucks) on site.
  • Permission for lane/road closures or County parking by-law exemptions must be obtained through municipal authorities.

The County Museums would be thrilled to host your child’s birthday party! 

Birthday Parties: $100 per hour

Parties can include heritage activities and/or games, and hands-on instruction in a heritage craft. Or the kids can try out a heritage recipe!

Birthday Parties are available at:

  • Ameliasburgh Heritage Village, Ameliasburgh 
  • Macaulay Heritage Park, Picton
  • Mariners Park Museum, South Bay (seasonal)
  • Rose House Museum, Waupoos (seasonal)
  • Wellington Heritage Museum, Wellington (Heritage Garden – seasonal)

Contact Us to learn more, and to help us plan the perfect party for your child!

The County Museums would be thrilled to host your bus tour, for either a quick stop or an extended visit.

Bus Tour Rate:

Contact us for a customized rate for your bus tour. Tea and coffee can be provided for an additional fee.

The County Museums’ Curators can also provide a “Hop-On” guide service for bus tours. Available at:

  • Ameliasburgh Heritage Village, Ameliasburgh
  • Macaulay Heritage Park, Picton
  • Mariners Park Museum, South Bay
  • Rose House Museum, Waupoos
  • Wellington Heritage Museum, Wellington

What's On

Textile Takeover at Macaulay House
February 15&16, 1-4pm
Macaulay House, 35 Church Street, Picton

Making Memories at Macaulay House – FAMILY DAY
February 17, 12-3pm
Macaulay House, 35 Church Street, Picton

A Grim History of the Death Penalty in Canada
February 19, 6pm
$10. Purchase your ticket here.
A link will be sent to registrants approximately 24 hours before the presentation.

Reflections of Lives and Times in PEC: A Listening Party
February 22, 1pm
Macaulay Heritage Park (Church), 23 Church Street, Picton
$15 + fees. Purchase your ticket here.

Rug Hooking in the Parlour with Bear Epp
February 23, 10am-3pm
Macaulay House, 35 Church Street, Picton
$160. Includes all materials. Book your spot here.

Star Gazing for Beginners w. Ramesh Pooran
March 1, 7pm
Ameliasburgh Heritage Village, 517 County Road 19, Ameliasburgh
Free to attend. Contact for details.

Welcome Weekend with the Gathering of Friends
May 14, 15 and 16, 10am-4pm
Ameliasburgh Heritage Village, 517 County Road 19, Ameliasburgh
Admission by donation

Like us on Facebook for a complete listing of our virtual and in-person events, and to catch our live talks!


A Path Forward
Macaulay Heritage Park, 23 Church Street, Picton

“A Path Forward” (APF) brings together three partners: Tsi Tyónnheht Onkwawén:na Language and Cultural Centre, The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund, and The County Museums. Through a continuously collaborative process, APF aims to transform the former St. Mary Magdalene Anglican Church, by placing contemporary works of art and story created by Indigenous artists amidst a narrative that speaks both to the historical importance and presence of Indigenous people in Prince Edward County, and the fact that the Mohawk, Mississauga, Wendat (Huron), and other nations who have called this area home are living communities with a future, as well as a past. This blending of contemporary art, story, and a non-static historical narrative speaks to how Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Prince Edward County are moving forward toward reconciliation – together.

To see a video of our friend Kahehtoktha Janice Brant demonstrating traditional ways of grinding corn, beans and rice, click here

To explore further, Kahehtoktha has written resources that dive into what we can learn from Indigenous technologies.

The first looks at an ancient grinding stone. You can read that here.

The other looks at a large clay vessel discovered at Sandbanks Provincial Park. You can read that here.

The de Vries Natural Heritage Collection
Ameliasburgh Heritage Village, 517 County Road 19, Ameliasburgh

This collection tells incredible stories about our natural world, its biodiversity, both the carelessness and conservation efforts of humankind and last, but not least, the craftsmanship of Jake de Vries and his lifelong passion for preserving natural heritage for both public education and aesthetic appreciation. Although Jake was a hunter in his early years, he was more of a conservationist and considered taxidermy as a method of presenting the wonder and beauty of nature. The majority of specimens were not hunting trophies, but rather victims of either busy roadways or poachers (Ministry of Natural Resources staff often provided Jake with specimens that had met these sad fates). The collection shows the love he had for wildlife and his great gift for bringing these once lifeless creatures back to life.

The Arrow Trail: The County Connection to a Canadian Legend
Mariners Park Museum, 2065 County Road 13, South Bay

Prince Edward County’s South Shore played a significant role in the story of the infamous Avro CF-105 Arrow. A.V. Roe Canada honed the Arrow’s design through the testing of ⅛ scale free flight models, rather than a full-scale prototype. The free flight models carried important telemetry equipment, which captured and relayed flight data to a team on the ground. Between 1954 and 1957, nine free flight models were launched from the Canadian Armament Research and Development Establishment test facility at Point Petre (CARDE). This site was used because of CARDE’s experience launching missiles and other test vehicles over Lake Ontario. Recovering these models became the primary objective for the Raise the Arrow campaign, launched in 2017.

Dutch Heritage in Prince Edward County
View the Virtual Exhibit.


The Bond Family (Coming February 2025)
Macaulay Heritage Park, 35 Church Street, Picton

Homage: Inspired by Outstanding Canadian Women (Coming February 2025)
Wellington Heritage Museum, 290 Main Street, Wellington

100 Years of Wellington (Coming May 2025)
Wellington Heritage Museum, 290 Main Street, Wellington

The Rose Family (Coming May 2025) 
Rose House Museum, 3333 County Road 8, Waupoos

Local Heritage Resources

The County Museums are not alone in local heritage preservation efforts. These are our community partners in the stewardship of Prince Edward County’s history and heritage:

Contact: Krista Richardson, Archivist
Phone: 613.399.2023
Location: 261 Main Street, Wellington, Ontario, K0K 3L0

The Archives are located adjacent to the Wellington Branch of the County of Prince Edward Public Library. An excellent resource for anyone interested in any aspect of local history, the mandate of the archives is to collect and preserve printed material having any bearing on the history of Prince Edward County.

Phone: 613.967.6291
Info Email:
Research Email:
Location: Box 35, 528 County Road 19 Ameliasburgh, Ontario, K0K 1A0

The Marilyn Adams Genealogical Research Centre (MAGRC) is the home of various assets of the 7th Town Historical Society. The centre houses a valuable and rapidly growing collection of genealogical research material and historic items of local, provincial, national and international interest, including the Victoria Cross Library. These donations have been attracted from Canada, the USA and Europe.

Contact: Krista Richardson, Archivist
Phone: 613.399.2023
Mail: Prince Edward County Archives, 261 Main Street, Wellington, Ontario, K0K 3L0

The Prince Edward Historical Society promotes the County’s history in a variety of ways, from preserving records that are important to the history and heritage of the area as well as actively seeking new materials, promoting new publications and hosting lectures on local historical themes.

Phone: 613.476.3511
Location: 47 Ferguson Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K 2T0

Located just two blocks off Main Street in Picton, the Glenwood Cemetery is one of the most beautiful and historical cemeteries in Ontario. This 62-acre property of rolling hills, mature trees and winding dirt roads is typical of the Victorian age and remains largely unchanged since it opened in 1873.

Contact: Peter Lockyer
Phone: 613.476.3356 
Location: 74 West Mary Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K 2T0
332 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K 2T0

History Lives Here Inc. provides a range of professional communication services to assist businesses, industry associations and community heritage organizations to celebrate their history during anniversary years. History Lives Here Inc. also produces the popular “History Moments” Series which commemorates Prince Edward County’s collective past in entertaining video vignettes.


Through education and advocacy, ACO PEC encourages the conservation and resuse of structures, districts and landscapes of architectural, historic and cultural significance, to inspire and benefit Ontarians.

Contact: Paul Adamthwaite, Executive Director
Phone: 613.476.1177
Location: The Victory, 205 Main Street, Picton, Ontario, K0K 2T0

A not-for-profit foundation dedicated to maritime history and conservation, marine research and nautical education. They have thousands of maritime and nautical documents, books, image charts, magazines and are expanding databases to provide comprehensive marine and nautical research.

Contact: Jennifer Sommer, Curator 
Phone: 613.966.5501
Location: 13 Coleman Street, Group Box 13, Ameliasburg, Ontario, K0K 1A0

In 2005, the Victoria Schoolhouse (c.1904) was moved to its present location adjacent to the Ameliasburgh Pioneer Village. There visitors can experience a one room schoolhouse. The Archives, located in the Ameliasburgh Town Hall, have a large collection of artifacts and records to provide researchers with information regarding schools, teachers, students and curriculum.

Phone: 613.966.2100
Location: The Armoury, 187 Pinnacle Street, Belleville, Ontario, K8N 3A5

Featuring memorabilia dealing with The Hastings & Prince Edward Regiment and its predecessors, including military weaponry from any Canadian historical period.

Phone: 613.394.3381 ext. 3328
Location: Quinte West Public Library, 7 Creswell Drive, Trenton, Ontario, K8V 5R6

Quinte Branch covers the counties of Hastings and Prince Edward and part of Northumberland. The information in the Branch’s research library extends well beyond these counties. The goals and objectives of Quinte Branch are to encourage participation in genealogical activities; to assemble and preserve family histories and research material; and to facilitate and assist family history researchers at our library and by correspondence.

Hours & Admission

Spring hours (January 9-May 4, 2025) will be as follows:

Ameliasburgh Heritage Village

Macaulay Heritage Park
Wednesday through Sunday, 1-4pm

Mariners Park Museum

Rose House Museum

Wellington Heritage Museum (from February 15th)
Wednesday through Sunday, 1-4pm

If you’re keen to visit one of our sites at a time when we are not open, get in touch to see if a private tour can be arranged.

Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Instagram to stay up-to-date with what the Museums have planned.

Admission to all of our sites is by donation!

Suggested donation amounts are:

$5 for adults
$4 for seniors
$3 for children age 6-12

Contact The County Museums

There are many ways that you can stay up to date on what is happening, and get involved at any of the County Museum sites!

Chris Palmer, Supervisor of Museums & Cultural Services
613.476.2148 ext. 2521

Jessica Chase, Curator
613.476.2148 ext. 2524

Cassandra Waldon, Marketing, Education and Volunteer Coordinator
613.476.2148 ext. 2524

Elizabeth Fennell, Exhibit Development and Collections Management
613.476.2148 ext. 2524

Janice Hubbs, Site Curator for Ameliasburgh Heritage Village
613.476.2148 ext. 2522

Georgia Papanicolaou, Programming and Events Lead
613-476-2148 ext. 2524

Erin Davis, Education Coordinator
613-476-2148 ext. 2524

Contact The County Museums by mail:
C/O 332 Main Street, Picton, ON K0K 2T0

Or e-mail:

Ameliasburgh Heritage Village
517 County Road 19, Ameliasburgh
613.476.2148 ext.2522

Macaulay Heritage Park
23 & 35 Church Street, Picton
613.476.2148 ext.2524

Mariners Park Museum
2065 County Road 13, South Bay
613.476.2148 ext.2525

Rose House Museum
3333 County Road 8, Waupoos
613.476.2148 ext. 2521

Wellington Heritage Museum
290 Main Street, Wellington
613.476.2148 ext.2526

Get Involved

There are many ways that you can stay up to date on what is happening, and get involved at any of the County Museum sites!

C‌urrently, the museums are in need of the following volunteers:

Docents (Tour Guides) that are responsible for interpreting the museum sites for visitors. Duties can include:

  • Providing guided tours or informal interpretation based on visitors’ preference

  • Answering inquiries pertaining to the history of the museum sites (or directing visitors to staff)

  • Engaging in a heritage craft or art to engage visitors in conversation (sewing, embroidery, spinning, weaving etc.)

Gardeners that are responsible for the care and upkeep of the grounds and gardens around the museum sites. Duties can include:

  • Ensuring cleanliness of the grounds

  • Planting gardens

  • Weeding and watering

  • Harvesting

If these roles interest you, or you have an idea you would like to discuss with us, please reach out to Cassandra Waldon, Volunteer Coordinator at

The majority of acquisitions at the County Museums are through donation.

Artifacts accepted through donation must be specific to Prince Edward County, and could include:

  • Artifacts produced in Prince Edward County.
  • Artifacts related to historically important people, places and events.
  • Artifacts sold in Prince Edward County.
  • Artifacts used/owned in Prince Edward County.
  • Artifacts that were made, utilized, sold or imported prior to or after the mandated collection period may be collected if their provenance is seen as an asset to the collection.

Artifacts should be well documented and include:

  • Original owner and/or manufacturer.
  • Original use of the artifact.
  • History of the artifact.
  • Other details associated with the object.

If you have an object you would like us to consider, please reach out to Jessica Chase at or Liz Fennell at  Your e-mail should include images and as much documentation on the item’s provenance as possible. We assess potential donations twice yearly and there is no guarantee that objects will be accepted into the collection.

Generally, photographs and historical documents are better suited for the Prince Edward County Archives. Tax receipts can be issued for artifact donations; however the artifact must have accompanying documentation verifying its current value from a reputable appraiser or expert. Once an artifact has been donated and a gift form signed, a transfer of ownership has been completed. Donors cannot request the return of donated artifacts. Donors absolutely and unconditionally give the property to the museum, after which the objects may be displayed, loaned, reproduced, retained or disposed of in such a manner as the museum may deem in its best interests. This is explicitly stated on the museums’ gift form. The museums have thousands of objects in their collections. Donating an artifact does not necessarily mean it will be on display. Typically, a museum exhibits 10% of their collections at any given time.

Financial donations help to maintain day-to-day operations, programs, exhibitions and special projects at the County Museums. Your contribution will not only benefit the museum sites, but all museum visitors and Prince Edward County as a whole.

You can donate funds in a number of ways: by cheque, credit card or cash. Donations can be made in person or by mail.

Donation boxes are also on-site to assist with on-going operating costs. Financial contributions help sustain the County Museums. A tax receipt for your gift of over $20 can be issued upon request.

The County Museums
332 Main Street
Picton, ON
K0K 2T0

Contact Us