Prince Edward County Municipal Services


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Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS)

Si vous recevez une contravention de stationnement, vous devez payer votre amende ou la contester avant la date d’échéance indiquée sur la contravention.

Les amendes impayées entraîneront des frais de retard et pourront être transmises au service de recouvrement. Les services relatifs au paiement et à la contestation sont accessibles en anglais seulement. Voir les liens ci-dessous.

À noter: Peu importe l’endroit où votre véhicule est immatriculé, vous êtes tenu de payer ou de contester votre contravention. Les amendes impayées pour des plaques d’immatriculation qui proviennent de l’extérieur de l’Ontario seront mises en recouvrement.

The Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) is a municipal alternative to the provincial court system that administers and adjudicates by-law offences. The AMPS program of enforcement transfers parking and by-law disputes from the courtroom to the municipality, which is more efficient. Most disputes are resolved within 45 days. Click to view the AMPS Process for Parking Offences.

If you receive a municipal parking penalty notice, you must choose one of the following options by the due date on the penalty notice. Unpaid fines will incur late fees and may be forwarded to collections. Please note: It may take one to three business days after the penalty notice is issued for some of these options to become available.

  1. Pay your municipal penalty notice. You may pay online, by mail to the address on your penalty notice, or pay in person or drop off payment at Edward Building, Suite 103, (280 Picton Main Street); or
  2. Submit a request for an online screening review to dispute a municipal penalty notice. No appointment is necessary and a decision will be emailed back to you within 14 business days. If you have not received a screening review decision by email within 14 business days, please contact 613.476.2148 extension 2045 or email

Appealing a Screening Review Decision

You may appeal a screening review decision by requesting an appeal hearing. You must submit your appeal request no later than the due date shown on the screening review decision notice. Hearing reviews are held remotely by appointment only.

If you are not the registered licence plate owner of the vehicle cited in the penalty notice, please complete, print, retain and submit an Authorization to Act as an Agent Form.

Default Notices

You will receive a default notice if you do not respond to your penalty notice by the due date indicated. You may request an extension to dispute your penalty notice. The request must be received by the due date on the default notice.

The decision to grant an extension may or may not be approved by the screening officer. The screening officer’s decision will be emailed or mailed to the address provided on the request. 

If you are not the registered licence plate owner of the vehicle cited in the penalty notice, please complete, print, retain and submit an Authorization to Act as an Agent Form.

Questions and Concerns

If you have a concern about the AMPS program, please email the AMPS Supervisor. Alternatively you can submit a complaint to the Chief Building and By-Law Official of Prince Edward County using the public complaint form.

Penalty notices (formerly called tickets) are issued for violations of the County’s parking by-law. The penalty notice contains a fine and a due date. You must respond to the penalty notice by the due date shown by either paying the fine amount or requesting a screening review. Failure to respond to the penalty by the due date shown may result in additional fees and collection processes.


County by-law enforcement officers can issue a penalty notice by doing any of the following:

  • Affixing it to the vehicle in a conspicuous place for a parking infraction
  • Handing it to the person having care and control of the vehicle at the time of contravention or to the violator or property owner
  • Sending it by mail to the vehicle owner’s last known address

Please note that a by-law enforcement officer may obtain photographic evidence. If photographs are obtained, they will be available to you and at the screening and hearing review.

There are four options to pay a Penalty Notice:

  • Pay Online: Visit Prince Edward County’s Payment Portal and follow the instructions.
  • Pay by Mail: Write the number of the penalty notice on the front of your cheque or money order and make it payable to the Corporation of The County of Prince Edward. Send your payment to:

Parking and By-Law Enforcement
332 Picton Main Street
Picton, ON K0K 2T0

Please allow sufficient time for your payment to be delivered by the due date shown on the penalty notice. Do not mail cash. Late fee of $50 will apply on all late payments.

    • Deposit Payment in Drop Box: Write the number of the penalty notice on the front of your cheque or money order and make it payable to the Corporation of The County of Prince Edward. Deposit your payment in the drop box located at the end of the walkway between the two buildings at Shire Hall, located at 332 Picton Main Street. Do not deposit cash in the drop off box.
    • Pay in person: The County accepts in-person payment via cash, cheque, debit or credit at Shire Hall (332 Picton Main Street, Picton) Monday – Friday, 9 am – 3 pm. Please note: capacity limits are in place at Shire Hall due to COVID-19 protocols and you have may have to wait to enter the building. The County strongly encourages people to consider using another method of payment if possible.

Dishonoured cheques will be subject to $50 administrative fee.

If requested, a screening officer will review the administrative penalty contained in a penalty notice. Screening reviews are conducted remotely by appointment after an online submission is received. The screening officer may affirm, vary or cancel the administrative penalty.

If requested, a hearing officer will review the decision of the screening officer. The County’s AMPS by-law outlines the grounds upon which a screening or hearing officer may affirm, vary or cancel the administrative penalty.

To ensure impartial decision-making, Council members and their relatives and persons indebted to the County (beyond property taxes) are NOT eligible for appointment as a screening or hearing officer. Both screening and hearing officers are bound by the County’s Conflict of Interest Policy, which prohibits persons from influencing or attempting to influence the decision of a screening or hearing officer.

Hearing officers are also bound by the Statutory Powers and Procedures Act and the general common law principle of procedural fairness and natural justice.

If you do not attend a scheduled screening or hearing review appointment, the penalty notice will be confirmed and additional fees will be added.

The fee for failure to appear at a scheduled screening review appointment is $50 and it is $100 for missing a hearing review appointment.

If the matter is still in dispute following the review by the screening officer, you may request a review by a hearing officer. Hearing reviews are currently being conducted remotely due to COVID-19 protocols. A request for a hearing must be made prior to the due date outlined in the screening officer’s decision using the hearing request form. It is important to note that you may only appeal the screening officer’s decision and that only the information/evidence submitted at the screening will be considered at the hearing.

To pay a Provincial Park parking ticket, please use the Provincial Offences form.

To dispute a Provincial Park parking ticket, follow the instructions on the back of the ticket. The County cannot process disputes for parking tickets issued by Provincial Parks staff. 


Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS)
280 Picton Main Street, Picton, ON K0K 2T0

T. 613.476.2148