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The Planning Division is in place to ensure that developments in Prince Edward County are in line with the Planning Act, the Official Plan, Heritage Guidelines and Zoning By-Laws.
For information on active development applications, visit the active planning applications portal.
Municipal planning and land use is a public process, and all material on file can generally be made available to the public. Materials and copies will be provided in accordance with the Development Services Fees (2024) – Schedule “E.”
Getting Started
If you would like to view planning information for your property, such as the zoning, please visit the County’s online public Geographic Information Systems (GIS) map viewer.
PLEASE NOTE: By clicking on the link to the map viewer, the user agrees to the “Interactive Map Disclaimer” located here.
If you are interested in obtaining information or initiating an application under the Planning Act such as an Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Site Plan Control, Minor Variance, Plan of Subdivision/Condominium, or Severance Application, please complete the Development Inquiry Form to get started.
Official Plan Amendments & Review
An official plan describes policies on how land in your community should be used. It is prepared with input from the public and helps to ensure that planning and development meets the community’s needs now and in the future.
The 2021 Official Plan for Prince Edward County is available online at the Official Plan webpage.
If you want to use your property or develop it in a way that conflicts with the current Official Plan, an amendment is required. Municipal planning staff can let you know if the amendment is possible while identifying any problems you may encounter, and how to go about applying. Please fill out a Development Inquiry Form to get started.
Secondary Plans
Secondary Plans set out detailed land use policies to guide growth and development for specific communities such as Picton, Wellington and Rossmore. The Plans are part of the County’s Official Plan, but are specific to the communities to which they apply in terms of their policies for managing physical change and its effects on the social, economic, and natural environments.
For more information, browse our Secondary Plans webpage.
Zoning By-law Amendments
Zoning By-Laws provide day-to-day administration of the contents of the Official Plan. They contain specific requirements that are legally enforceable and control the use of land. Zoning By-Laws state exactly:
- how land may be used;
- where buildings and other structures can be located;
- the types of buildings that are permitted and how they may be used; and
- the lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and setbacks from the street.
Building permits will not be issued for construction or development that does not comply with Prince Edward County’s Zoning By-Laws.
The County’s Comprehensive Zoning By-Law No. 1816-2006 is available online and you can view it here: Comprehensive Zoning By-Law. Additionally, you can view the specific zoning of your property on the County’s online GIS map viewer here.
If your project does not comply with the zoning by-law, you may apply for a zoning change, or a zoning by-law amendment or simply, a rezoning. Changes will only be considered if the proposed change is allowable in the Official Plan.
Before submitting a rezoning application, you are encouraged to contact municipal planning staff by filling out a Development Inquiry Form to get advice and more information.
A land severance is the authorization to separate or sever a piece of land to form a new lot or parcel of land. This is commonly known as “a consent”. Right-of-ways, easements and any change to your existing property boundaries also require land severance approval.
Before submitting a severance application, you are encouraged to contact municipal planning staff by filling out a Development Inquiry Form to get advice and more information. You can also view the Consent and Rezoning Pamphlet below for an applicant’s guide to the process.
Minor Variances
If your proposed change doesn’t conform exactly to the zoning by-law, but does follow the general intent, you can apply for a minor variance. For example, you might want to locate something on your property but the shape of your lot does not meet the minimum setback requirements.
To obtain a minor variance, apply to your local Committee of Adjustment (appointed by Prince Edward County Council) to deal with minor problems in meeting zoning by-laws. The committee will hold a hearing to make a decision.
Subdivisions and Condominiums
If you are thinking about subdividing your property, discuss your proposal first with municipal planning staff. They can tell you the information you will need to provide (e.g. special studies), and can also advise whether the County’s Official Plan and/or Zoning by-law allow for a subdivision.
You are encouraged to contact municipal planning staff by filling out a Development Inquiry Form to get preliminary advice and more information.
Site Plan and Removal of Holding ‘H’ Symbol
Site plan control is a form of development control provided to municipalities by Ontario’s Planning Act. No one can undertake any development which is subject to site plan control unless the Municipality has reviewed and approved the plans. Once the plans are approved, a site plan agreement is generally executed. This agreement contractually binds the owner to develop and maintain a site in accordance with the approved plans and the terms of the agreement.
Building Permits are not issued until site plan control requirements are met. Where a zone designation contains the prefix “H”, the lands cannot be developed or redeveloped until the Municipality enacts an amending By-law removing the “H” holding symbol. When the amending By-law is enacted and the ‘H’ is removed, the permitted uses and regulations of that zone designation shall apply, except where amended by exception.