Heritage Property Grant Program
The municipality’s Heritage Property Grant Program helps owners of heritage-designated properties conserve the County of Prince Edward’s built heritage resources.
The property must be designated under the Ontario Heritage Act. This includes individually designated properties or properties that are not designated but located in heritage conservation districts. However, a property within a heritage conservation district that does not contribute to the cultural heritage value of the district, such as those categorized as “Other,” are not eligible unless the application is for new signage.
The property must be in compliance with the Ontario Heritage Act and any County of Prince Edward by-laws and have no taxes or other monies owing to The County. Priority will be given to projects that conserve and/or restore elements of the property as cited in its historical attributes assessment.
Property owners are only eligible for one grant per calendar year. For each grant, the property owner can only request funds for one project. Grants are not available for work that has been completed prior to application submission. It is preferred the work not begin until the grant is approved. However, if the work must begin prior to the approval of the grant, a request must be provided to Planning staff and acknowledgement will be provided that the work may proceed.
Application Process
The municipality will accept applications for the Heritage Property Grant Program between January 1 and November 30 of the calendar year. The municipality will review complete applications in a timely manner and conditionally award funds to qualifying applicants pending final inspection of completed works.
More Information
The Heritage Property Grant Application outlines the general and specific criteria that applicants must meet to qualify for a grant.
For more information, please contact heritage@pecounty.on.ca.