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Wellington Heritage Conservation District

A Heritage Conservation District (HCD) designation is the best tool Ontario municipalities have for managing change in beneficial ways. 

There are different components to the HCD Plan, but its primary role is to ensure that heritage buildings, structures and landscapes are not destroyed or majorly altered in a way that diminish their value to the community. The HCD Plan will introduce measures aimed at creating a visually appealing area that will, in turn, help to enhance that distinctive “sense of place.” 

The Heritage Conservation Study for Wellington began in October 2019 and was approved by Council in May 2021. Heritage planning consultants Bray Heritage led the study to assess whether Wellington meets the requirements of an HCD designation under the Ontario Heritage Act. The consultants worked closely with the County for the Study and conducted interviews with an advisory committee, municipal staff, members of Council, the Prince Edward Heritage Advisory Committee, and multiple residents.

The Plan has recently been approved at the Ontario Land Tribunal.

Resources related to the HCD can be found below. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the HCD, please contact:

Michael Michaud
Manager of Planning, Department of Development Services
613.476.2148 extension 2025 

The Picton Main Street area received HCD designation in 2013. Click here to learn more

HCD Plan

Ontario Land Tribunal Decision

Please note: Schedule C in the OLT decision summarizes the modifications to the final plan. The municipality is creating a condensed version of the plan that will be posted once completed.