Prince Edward County Municipal Services


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Summer Stats

As part of the Tourism Management Plan, staff at The County are collecting various data to help with evaluation and future planning. We’ll share our findings on this page.

Summer Statistics Summary

Resident Survey Results

Each month during the summer, The County releases a resident survey to take the temperature, hear from residents and learn about what’s working and where problems are persisting. We are collecting many thoughtful comments from the public that will be used to evaluate this year’s actions and plan for future years. You can take the surveys on Have Your Say on the Tourism Management Plan page.

May 2021 Resident Survey Results

88 responses, open May 18 - June 4, 2021

June/July 2021 Resident Survey Results

107 responses, open June 20 - July 15

August 2021 Resident Survey Results

218 responses, open August 1-31 2021

Enforcement Statistics

The County has increased by-law enforcement capacity this summer to better manage illegal camping, parking, short-term accommodation (STA) and nuisance complaints. Highlights of our by-law compliance and enforcement efforts are below. (Updated September 6)


Number of warnings given at Seasonal No-Parking zones since Tourism Management Plan implementation began May 21, 2021.


Number of parking tickets written at The County’s municipal boat launches since the transition from the pay-to-launch honour system to pay-to-park system.


Number of $400 parking tickets written at Seasonal No-Parking zones since the Fees & Charges by-law came into effect on May 26, 2021. 


Number of $500 Illegal Camping tickets written since the fine was approved by the province on June 23, 2021.  

Beach Closure History

Management of beaches in The County is divided among the municipality (Wellington Rotary Beach), Ontario Parks (Sandbanks and North Beach Provincial Parks) and Quinte Conservation (Little Bluff). The County works closely with partners to monitor and communicate about beach closures. Click the tabs below to see the closure dates/times for the various beaches.

By The Numbers: Miscellaneous Stats

See below for a quantitative look at the Tourism Management Plan.


Estimated cost to implement the Tourism Management Plan. Funding will come from user fees, fines and the Municipal Accommodations Tax.


Estimated new revenues to be generated through user fees and fines related to the Tourism Management Plan in 2021 (i.e. parking fines, beach entry fees)


Funding for the Tourism Management Plan from the Municipal Accommodation Tax, which is charged to visitors when they book accommodations.


Number of times The County’s digital washroom map has been viewed in the last year.


Number of  Seasonal Boat Launch Parking Passes sold in 2021. 


Percentage of visitors at Wellington Rotary Beach who have paid for admission on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. 29% of visitors are using the Beach Pass for residents/ratepayers.


Staff hours/week budgeted for maintenance of 300 garbage bins across The County. This represents a 42% increase in staff hours and 15% increase in bins over 2020.


Number of Wellington Rotary Beach Day Use Passes provided to residents and ratepayers since the program launched in May 2021.


# of electronic message boards notifying drivers of Ontario Parks status. Six on Hwy 401, one at Norris-Whitney Bridge, and six within The County. Four of these are County-managed, the rest are MTO.


By-law staff hours/week that will be added in July & August. This is a 105% increase in The County’s compliance and enforcement efforts during the peak season.


Number of Visitor Information Locations throughout The County. Increased from 3 in 2020, offering more touch points for visitors to find info and navigate The County.


Number of municipal public washroom locations in summer 2021 with coverage from Carrying Place to Cressy!  

450 km

The length of the daily washroom maintenance route. Each day our hard-working crews drive the equivalent of Picton to North Bay to service our public washroom facilities.