Wellington Rotary Beach
Wellington Rotary Beach
Wellington Rotary Beach is a popular spot for walking, cycling, swimming and surfing.
New in 2024
- Visitors to Wellington Rotary Beach do not have to pay an admission fee or present their PEC Summer Pass to access the beach.
Wellington Rotary Beach is equipped with two Mobi-Chair floating beach wheelchairs as well as Mobi-Mats to make the municipal beach accessible to all. Click here to learn more about this initiative and how you can use these resources free of charge.
Wellington Rotary Beach Frequently Asked Questions
Wherever possible, we encourage you to walk, bike, or wheel to the beach!
There are approximately 100 parking spots available at the beach. Beach parking is free and is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Note about boat launch parking: At the Wellington Rotary Beach boat launch, launching may be restricted at peak times. Seasonal boat slip renters will still have access to the boat launch parking area at times launching may be restricted. Click here to learn more.
The County will share beach closure notices on our Twitter and Facebook and the Visit The County Facebook and Instagram. The County will also post notices on the News & Notices page of the municipal website.
Overnight camping is not permitted at Wellington Rotary Beach.
Grills, BBQs and open flame of any kind are prohibited.
Please leave anything that needs to be cooked or reheated at home – barbecues and other cooking devices are dangerous for other beach-goers and pose a safety issue for staff cleaning and maintaining the beach and waste receptacles. Alcohol is not permitted at the beach.