Community and Events
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Community Trash Clean-ups
Community Trash Clean-ups
Keeping our community clean is something we can all contribute to, and the County is here to help. Prince Edward County staff can support your community clean-up by advertising your event, providing clean-up supplies and assisting with disposal of the collected waste.
If you or your community group are interested in coordinating a trash clean-up, please reach out to Albert Paschkowiak, Supervisor of Environmental and Sustainability Services, at 613.476.2148 extension 4004 or email
The following are a list of Community Cleanups the County has recently partnered with community groups to host:
- South Shore Cleanup
- Northport Cleanup
- Lions Club Community Cleanup
- Owen Jones Community Cleanup
- Quinte Trash Bash
- Countless other smaller individually led cleanups across the County.
Together we can continue to make our community beautiful and trash free.
Community Groups
Community Directory
There are many environmental non-profits and community groups working in The County and nearby communities. Explore the directory of groups who have information, resources, volunteer opportunities and programs that you can participate in!
Community Stories
South Shore Clean-up
The South Shore Joint Initiative held its annual trash bash clean up on September 7, 2024.
The event included members of its initiative, employees of the Sandbanks Provincial Park, and several residents. Participants scoured the south shore picking up litter to improve the aesthetics of the area and lessen the impact we as humans have on the natural environment there. Thank you to all who participated.Please contact Cheryl Anderson ( if you are interested in taking part in future cleanups in the south shore area.
Friends of Wellers Bay Community Clean-up
The Friends of Wellers Bay hosted a community clean up Consecon and Carrying Place on November 16, 2024.
The clean-up generated a trailer load of materials and some household hazardous waste.
A big thank you to the group for all their efforts and for helping to keep our community beautiful.
Consecon Park and Mill Pond Tree Planting
The Consecon Park and Mill Pond tree planting event on October 5, 2024 was very successful. A total of four pear trees, two cherry trees, and six apple trees were planted.
Thanks to Cody Lowe, Prince Edward County’s resident arborist, and Celia Johnstone, our representative from Tree Canada, for working out the details. We’d also like to express gratitude to Tree Canada and CN Rail who provided funding for this program.
This was the County of Prince Edward’s first time participating in Tree Canada’s Edible Trees Grant Program; however, Tree Canada and their partners have made many significant contributions to the canopy in Prince Edward County through its Community Tree Grants.
Lastly, we thank the community members, in particular Karen Gravelle, who initiated the request for having edible trees planted in this part of Prince Edward County and who participated in the project every step of the way.
Athol Park Tree Planting
Prince Edward County hosted a tree planting event within Athol Park on June 7, 2024. The event was made possible through grants provided by the LCBO and Tree Canada.
A total of 15 cherry trees of varying varieties were planted at the extents of the park. This planting effort supports a larger effort to plant additional trees along County Road 10 in Cherry Valley. Staff would like to thank Councillor Branderhorst and Tree Canada representatives for participating.
Interested in planning a tree planting event of your own? Learn how my using the County’s Adopt a Tree program found here.
Jack Taylor Park Tree Planting
Ten new trees were planted at Jack Taylor Park in Hillier on October 23, 2023 with a generous grant from Tree Canada and in partnership with Picton and Wellington Home Hardware stores.
The trees were supplied and planted by Lockyers Country Gardens. The local community group Tree The County, with assistance from County staff, applied for the grant and completed necessary site preparations.
The 10 new trees are all native hardwoods to help provide shade and shelter to this community park.
Canadian Wildlife Federation
Staff partnered with Quinte Conservation Authority and local residents of the Jasper Avenue community to install a second naturalized garden around the storm water pond just north of Jasper Avenue.
The team planted over 250 native plant species in a previously unused space along the western fringe of the storm water pond. Plants were purchased from Natural Themes Nursery. The project was fully funded by the Canadian Wildlife Federation who also provide valuable input on species selection and long-term management of the project.
This project is the latest in a number of pollinator-friendly gardens and roadside projects undertaken by the CWF and the County to increase local pollinator habitat.
2023 Earth Day Celebrations
Prince Edward County recently celebrated Earth Day with a number of events beginning April 16, and culminating on April 29, with a the seedling giveaway.
A summary of events for 2023 include:
- An inaugural event on Environmental Renewal was presented by the Alternatives for Women group and sold out!
- 200 composters were given away on April 22. In support of the County’s efforts to promote backyard composting, Robin Riley and Lise Bois presented “the Beauty of Compost,” a presentation on the various types and methods of compost available to the public.
- Approximately 4.4 tonnes of waste was cleaned up across the County as part of the Owen Jones Community Clean-up.
- 260 trees were planted along the Millennium Trail by the PEC Trails Group and a number of volunteers.
- 2000 seedlings of white pine, balsam fir, black cherry, nanny berry, mountain ash, silver maple, sugar maple, black walnut, white cedar, and white birch were given away to help offset the loss of ash trees on private property.
- 16 different volunteer groups and representatives from various regulatory organizations attended the first ever Volunteer Open House held on April 27. Refreshments were generously provided by The County Foundation.
- County staff participated in the new Team Up to Clean Up initiative in support of the Owen Jones Community Clean-up.
- Two mulch giveaways were held during the week and over 50% of the pile was given away.
We would like to express a huge thanks to all the volunteers who participated in making this ambitious week of environmental activities successful.
Special thanks to Even Nash, Cathie Coultis, Lise Bois, and Anne VanVlack in assisting with the planning and coordination of the various events. Thanks are also due to Robin Riley, Gerry Jenkinson, Susan Banks, the alternatives for women group, and the staff and students of the ROC for their major contribution to the events.
Mulch Giveaway at South Marysburgh Waste Disposal Site
Prince Edward County has implemented a pilot program to give away mulch at the South Marysburgh Waste Disposal Site. Mulch is generated from grinding brush collected through the year and offered to residents for free.
Mulch Giveaway Program
The program is on-going with about 100 cubic metres of the pile remaining. The giveaway will continue while supplies last. Residents interested in using some of the mulch are asked to visit the site during normal operating hours (Saturdays from 8 am – 4 pm). Residents must bring their own containers and hand tools to collect the material. Giving away the mulch keeps the material out of the landfill, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and is one of the most beneficial ways to re-use this material.
Wilkinson Memorial Park Tree Planting
On October 1, with a generous grant from Tree Canada, the LCBO and Home Hardware, County staff, along with the community group Tree the County and many enthusiastic volunteers, planted over 70 trees and shrubs at Wilkinson Memorial Park in Waupoos.
Wilkinson Memorial Park Tree Planting
There were over 15 different species planted in a variety of sizes at Wilkinson Memorial Park. Sections of the park were planted with saplings in an effort to naturalize overgrown disturbed areas while another area was planted with larger trees to create a community forest for residents to enjoy. There was an initial presentation by Tree Canada, as well as a tree planting demonstration followed by a barbecue provided by the Wellington Home Hardware.
Millennium Trail Tree Planting
On September 28, with the help from the PEC Trails Committee, County staff planted 62 saplings along the Millennium Trail east of Wesley Acres Road in Bloomfield.
Millennium Trail Tree Planting
The saplings that were planted along the Millennium Trail were a mix of 12 different coniferous and deciduous tree species. These trees will serve as a windbreak and will add shade in the coming years to this section of the trail. The planting was made possible by a grant from Tree Canada and the LCBO Spirit of Sustainability initiative.
Lane Creek Clean-Up
On Saturday May 21, the Prince Edward County Lions Club conducted a second clean-up of Lane Creek.
Lane Creek Clean-Up
Volunteers with the Prince Edward County Lions Club removed a large number of tires that had been dumped on the Lane Creek property many years ago.
This tire clean-up was in follow up to the group’s participation in the Owen Jones Memorial Community Clean-Up. More than 500 tires were collected from this property and sent off for recycling.
The first annual Owen Jones Memorial Community Clean-Up
On Saturday April 23, the residents, businesses and organizations of Prince Edward County showed up in a big way to take action against litter in our community. The event was held in memory of Owen Jones, a resident of Picton and a familiar figure in the community, who passed away on December 25, 2021. For many years Owen took it upon himself to work tirelessly during the spring, summer and fall to keep the curbs and gutters clear of debris, and in the winter months made sidewalks passable to pedestrians to enable safe access to businesses along Picton Main Street.
Owen Jones Memorial Community Clean Up
On Saturday April 23, the residents, businesses and organizations of Prince Edward County showed up in a big way to take action against litter in our community.
The first annual Owen Jones Memorial Community Clean Up was a volunteer-led, municipally-supported effort to pick up litter across The County. More than 700 individuals participated in the community clean up event. Families, friends, co-workers, sports teams and community groups took to the streets to do to the big Spring clean up. The event was spearheaded by Wellington resident Evan Nash who has coordinated an annual “trash bash” in the village for a number of years. Nash and his volunteer team worked in partnership with County staff to promote the event, register participants, arrange for pick up locations for clean-up kits and drop off locations for litter in four locations across The County.
The event was a big success: approximately 6.81 tonnes of waste was collected in four bins. To put that in perspective, an average weekly curbside waste collection across all of Prince Edward County is 68 tonnes. Community volunteers removed enough trash from roadsides and public spaces to match 10% of an average weekly waste collection! That’s also a full tonne more than was collected at all of the clean up events in 2021.
Many residents participated in teams organized by the Wellington Rotary Club, the Picton BIA, Birdhouse City, residents of Carla Court and residents of Pine Ridge and more. Particularly noteworthy was the contribution of the Prince Edward County Lions Club who organized 12 volunteers to clean up Lane Creek in Wellington. They collected 500+ tires of various sizes, 9 bags of trash, a box of broken glass an a load of scrap metal.
Thank you to all of the community clean-up volunteers for putting trash where it belongs and making The County beautiful. For those who missed the event, The County is participating in the Quinte Trash Bash on Saturday May 14.
Community Trees seedling giveaway
Prince Edward County held a Tree Giveaway on April 30, 2022 as part of a series of events centred around earth day. More than 950 trees were given away in an effort to help to increase the tree cover in The County.
Community Trees Seedling Giveaway
Prince Edward County held a Tree Giveaway on April 30, 2022 as part of a series of events centred around earth day. The event was held at two locations; near the Community Gardens in Delhi Park and at the Wellington Community Centre.
The event was ran by staff and volunteers from the Quinte Conservation Authority, Picton Rotary Club, the Horticultural Society, the Environmental Advisory Committee’s Natural Cover Group, and the Prince Edward County Master Gardeners.
Over 950 trees were given away to residents throughout the course of the day. In additional Kevin Halloran and Sharon Toth of Greenman Tree Service attended the even to demonstrate how to plant seedlings.
A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped make this event a success and for the residents who participated.
The Shade of Tomorrow at Delhi Park
Look for new saplings in Delhi Park! Through community efforts, Picton’s Delhi Park added 13 new shade trees to its forest in September 2021. As the saying goes: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now!”
Youth Environmental Survey
If you are in elementary or high school in The County, you are encouraged to take a survey created by the The County’s Environmental Advisory Committee Youth Member, Vanessa Lavender.