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Council Highlights – June 7 – Regular Council

June 14, 2022


Mayor Steve Ferguson made a proclamation in support of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, which is June 15.

Destination Marketing Organization directors appointed

Council approved the appointment of the inaugural board of directors for Visit The County, the new Destination Marketing Organization (DMO). The directors appointed include: Christal Agostino, Mikki Arends, Rachel Baque, Sarah Doiron, Sherry Karlo, Rebecca Mackenzie, and Charles McKee. Council appointed John Hirsch as its representative on the DMO board. Read more

Shoreline Management Plan presented

Christine Phillibert and Pete Zuzek presented the Shoreline Management Plan prepared by Quinte Conservation in partnership with regional partners including the County of Prince Edward.

The Plan will help Quinte Conservation and municipalities manage the natural hazards along the Bay of Quinte and Lake Ontario shoreline.

The final plan includes: an up-to-date inventory of the shoreline; updated natural hazard mapping for flooding, erosion, and dynamic beaches; recommendations for protecting the shoreline and residents who live along it; and, information to inform municipal planning recommendations and decisions.

Tender awarded

Council awarded the tender for the supply and delivery of fleet fuel to W.O. Stinson & Son Ltd. for the term of one year, with the option of an extension for an additional year.

Other Business

Council approved changes to the vulnerable sector check requirements for taxi and limousine operators. New operator’s licence applications for taxi or limousine operators must include a vulnerable sector check. In addition, yearly renewal applications for taxi and limousine operators must include a Level 1 Criminal Record Check, and a Vulnerable Sector Check is required every other year.

Council approved the cancellation, reduction, or refund of taxes pursuant to applications made under Sections 357 and 358 of the Municipal Act, 2001 totaling $17,571.91; of which $13,779.67 is the County’s portion and $3,211.99 will be charged to the appropriate school boards.

Council approved a by-law and authorized the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Limiting Distance Agreement with the property owners of 227 and 229 Wellington Main Street.

Council received the presentation by Ken Dewar regarding the annual report from the Prince Edward County Heritage Advisory Committee.

Council approved reports from various committee meetings and in doing so directed staff to schedule a public opening event for the Sophiasburgh Columbarium in June 2022 following completion of a suitable amount of landscaping.

Next Council meeting: June 21, 2022

This summary is not a complete record of the proceedings of the meeting. For the official record, please refer to the minutes in the next Council agenda.  A video of this meeting is available on The County’s YouTube Channel.

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