The deadline to submit input on the second draft of the new Zoning By-law is Monday, September 30.
The municipality and its consultant, WSP, hosted a statutory public open house on September 17. The material from that meeting is now posted online. Click here to view the presentation and the display boards.
All input received on the second draft will be reviewed and will inform the preparation of the final draft Zoning By-law, which will be presented at a future statutory public meeting as required under the Planning Act. This statutory public meeting is anticipated to be held later this fall.
The second draft of the Zoning By-law is available for review on the Have Your Say project page at
A hard copy is available for viewing at Shire Hall (332 Picton Main Street) during regular business hours.
To submit questions or comments, please contact Michael Michaud, Manager of Planning, County of Prince Edward, at 613.476.2148 extension 2025 or email