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County seeks public input on bus stop and shelter accessibility

August 17, 2022

The County of Prince Edward has received provincial funding to enhance the County’s transit system and bus shelters.

The municipality is looking for the public’s help in creating a transit system that serves all members of the community. Residents are asked to fill out a short survey to contribute input to determine what makes an accessible bus stop or shelter. This consultation is required under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act.

Municipal staff discussed bus shelter accessibility with the Accessibility Advisory Committee in August. The committee’s feedback and public input will help staff create an accessible design standard for future bus stops and shelters.

The survey is available online through the County’s online engagement site, Have Your Say until August 31.

The survey is available in different formats upon request. For more information, please contact 613.476.2148 extension 1023 or

Click here to learn more about County Transit.

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