August 2, 2024
The roof replacement at the Wellington Heritage Museum will continue through Friday, August 9.
- Work on this project, previously scheduled to wrap up by Wednesday, July 31, has been extended due to weather conditions.
- During this work, the museum will be closed to the public and the grounds will be fenced off.
- In addition, the contractor, iTeck Roofing, will occupy the three parking spaces in front of the museum building, located at 290 Wellington Main Street.
- Visit the municipal website to see the locations and hours of operation of other County Museums.
- For more information, contact the County of Prince Edward at 613.476.2148 extension 1023, 613.962.9108 extension 1023, or
Please note: The County of Prince Edward provides this information as a service to the general public. While we do our best to provide accurate information, construction projects and associated service disruptions are subject to change based on weather, road, traffic, and other uncontrollable conditions.