January 13, 2025
The statutory public meeting for Official Plan amendment 05-24 has been removed from the agenda for the January 22 Planning and Development Committee meeting.
The other applications on the agenda for the January 22 Planning and Development Committee meeting will proceed as scheduled.
The statutory public meeting for Official Plan amendment 05-24 will be on the agenda for the Planning and Development Committee meeting on Wednesday, February 5.
The statutory meeting was moved due to a change in the municipally initiated Official Plan amendment application. The following items have been removed from the amendment to give more time for study and consultation:
- Amend the site plan control policies of the Official Plan to expand the circumstances where site plan control is applied
- Recognize the future extensions of George Wright Boulevard and County Road 22 as per the Transportation Master Plan
- Prohibit development of existing vacant lots created by a means other than the consent and subdivision processes, unless certain criteria are met (to provide policy direction regarding the existing Zoning By-law definition of a “lot”)
- Define “strip development” in the consent policies of the Official Plan to provide clarity when considering applications to create new lots in the rural area.
The following aspects of the Official Plan amendment remain and are expected to be heard at the February 5 Planning and Development Committee meeting. The effect of the amendment would be to:
- Permit two additional dwelling units in the Rural Areas subject to criteria (as per the new Provincial Policy Statement [PPS])
- Allow settlement area boundary changes outside of a comprehensive review, but subject to criteria (as per the new PPS)
- Permit changes to employment areas outside of a comprehensive review, but subject to criteria (as per the new PPS)
- Require the municipality to consider a buffer and/or mitigation measures before identifying new employment areas (as per the new PPS)
- Require the municipality to develop an agricultural system to protect agricultural lands and assets (as per the new PPS)
- Require a review of the Official Plan 10 years after it was passed, and every five years afterwards, until a new Official Plan is adopted (as per the Planning Act)
- Require new properties designated under the Heritage Act to meet two of nine criteria established by the province (as per O.Reg 9/06)
- Add a policy to recognize the approved Picton Main Street Heritage Conservation District and the new Wellington Heritage Conservation District
- Amend various policies in the Official Plan to recognize the presence of the commercial fishery, its important contributions to Prince Edward County, and provide policy direction when considering development proposals
- Clarify that new lots on private services need to be supplied by one single on-site private well, not multiple wells, and an on-site sewage system.
- Amend, delete, or include new definitions to provide clarity
- Amend the wording of various policy sections to ensure they are up to date or provide clarity
The statutory public meeting part the Planning and Development Committee meeting will begin at 6 pm at Shire Hall (332 Picton Main Street). The municipality invites the public to participate in-person, virtually, and/or through written comments submitted to Planner Scott Pordham prior to the meeting. A live stream of the meeting will be available on the County’s YouTube channel http://bit.ly/LiveStreamPEC.
Members of the public who wish to speak at the public meeting, either in-person or virtually, are encouraged to register by contacting clerks@pecounty.on.ca by noon on Tuesday, February 4. Upon registering to speak at the meeting, members of the public will be emailed instructions on attending the meeting in person or a unique link and directions for participating in the meeting via Zoom.
For more information, including information about preserving your appeal rights, please contact Development Services, 280 Picton Main Street, 2nd Floor, Picton, ON K0K 2T0, or call 613.476.2148.