The County of Prince Edward has published the agenda for the Planning and Development Committee meeting that will occur on Wednesday, February 5.
The meeting will follow the new process that was introduced in January 2025. The meeting will begin at 6 pm at Shire Hall (332 Picton Main Street) with the live stream on the municipality’s YouTube channel. Members of the public who wish to provide comments can do so by contacting to register.
Statutory public meetings will be held for the following applications:
- A Consent to Sever a New Lot with rezoning at 39 Belleville Street in Wellington
- An Official Plan amendment to ensure consistency with the new Provincial Planning Statement (2024); address changes made to the Planning Act and Ontario regulations; and to make general amendments to address local needs
- A Draft Plan of Subdivision, Official Plan amendment, and Zoning By-law Amendment south of 579 County Road 28 along Lake Ontario (Ward 4 Ameliasburgh)
Following the statutory meetings, Planning and Development Committee will move to receiving comments from the audience and considering any applications. Click here to view the full agenda.