Presentations & Deputations
Barbara Sweet, CEO of Prince Edward County Public Library & Archives made a presentation to Council regarding the 2022 Annual Report.
Hilary Fennell, Administrator & Communications Officer, Recreation Outreach Centre (The ROC) made a deputation to Council regarding The ROC’s essential and integral programs and services
Two deputations were made that were related to Councillor Braney’s resolution seeking Council support to explore a review of the Council governance structure.
Review of Council Governance Structure
Councillor Braney brought forward a resolution seeking Council support to explore a review of the Council governance structure. Council directed the CAO and Clerk to develop a Terms of Reference and report outlining the guiding principles, scope, timing and cost of a possible third- party review of the County Council governance structure. The report will build on the research and public feedback gained in the 2013 size of Council review and citizens assembly, and the 2015 size of Council review. The report will also identify options for robust public consultation and engagement process, and will return to Council no later than June 2023.
Support for the Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus (EOWC) 7 in 7 Regional Housing Plan
Councillor Maynard brought forward a resolution seeking Council support for the Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus (EOWC) 7 in 7 Regional Housing Plan. County Council is committed to fulfilling the goals of the EOWC 7 in 7 Regional Housing Plan and urges all orders of government, private, and non-profit partners to fill the housing gap by collaborating, innovating and investing in filling the rural housing gap. Councillor Maynard’s resolution will be forwarded to Right Honourable Prime Minister of Canada; the Honourable Premier of Ontario; Ryan Williams, Bay of Quinte MP, Todd Smith, Bay of Quinte MPP, Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing of Ontario, The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), The Association of Municipalities Ontario (AMO), and The Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus (EOWC).
Other Business
Council authorized staff to renew the current Integrity Commissioner contract to carry out this mandate and any additional duties that may be placed upon the Integrity Commissioner by legislation.
Council received several staff reports from the Finance and IT department pertaining to the 2023 Temporary Borrowing Report and By-Law, Ontario Regulation 284/09 and the 2023 Budget and the 2022 Council Remuneration.
Council approved minutes from past meetings and adopted various by-laws.
Next Council meeting: Regular Meeting of Council Tuesday, March 28, 2023
This summary is not a complete record of the proceedings of the meeting. For the official record, please refer to the minutes in the next Council agenda. A video of this meeting is available on The County’s YouTube Channel.