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County invites residents to learn more about transitional housing project February 26

February 19, 2024

An open house for the Leeward House project at 1133 County Road 5 in Sophiasburgh Ward will be held on Monday, February 26.

The open house will take place at the Sophiasburgh Town Hall (2771 County Road 5, Demorestville) from 5-7 pm. The open house will follow a drop-in format with municipal staff in attendance to provide information and answer questions.

Leeward House is a transitional housing facility, the first of its kind in Prince Edward County. The facility will move nine people directly from homelessness to a supported congregate living environment with on-site staff. Residents will receive programs, services, supports they require as they move toward permanent, sustainable housing.

The facility, currently operating as The Maples retirement home, is for sale. The municipality has worked with community partners Base31 on an agreement whereby Base31 would purchase the property and the County would enter into a 25-year lease to operate the transitional housing facility. The five current tenants at The Maples will be supported by County staff and the owners to complete their move to other housing.

If you are unable to attend the meeting or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact Elis Ziegler, Affordable Housing Supervisor, by email or call 613.922.3785.

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