July 4, 2024
The parking lot at Wellington’s C.M.L. Snider School will operate as a free, municipally managed public parking lot for the remainder of the summer 2024 season.
Until August 25, the lot will be managed by the municipality and be available for free public parking from 7 am to 11 pm, seven days a week. No permit is required to park in the lot. No overnight parking or camping is allowed. Municipal by-law officers will be responsible for enforcing these regulations.
The lot can be accessed by vehicles at the western end of Oak Street, with pedestrian access to Wellington Main Street through the front lawn of the school.
Users must keep reserved spaces clear for school board and summer camp staff and place litter and waste in the garbage cans provided.
The municipality and the Hastings Prince Edward District School Board have entered into an agreement to provide free public use of this lot each summer until at least 2027.
For more information contact customer service at 613.476.2148 extension 1023 or info@pecounty.on.ca