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Council and Committee of the Whole Highlights – August 27 & 29, 2024

September 4, 2024

Council Highlights – August 27 Regular Meeting of Council


Council recognized the upcoming Fall Fairs happening in Picton (September 6 – 8), Milford (September 14) and Ameliasburgh (September 21).

10 members of the public made deputations to Council regarding the Pumping Station Wellington Tender & Regional Water Treatment Plant. Each deputation can be found on the August 27 Council meeting agenda.

Comments from the Audience
9 members of the audience spoke to Council about the Regional Water Treatment Plant. There were discussions surrounding subjects such as fiscal responsibility and the budget, the impact on water/wastewater rate users and how to create a responsible path forward in the development process.

Items on the Agenda

2024 Property Tax Write-Off Report
Council approved the cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes pursuant to applications made under Sections 357 and 358 of the Municipal Act, 2001 totaling $41,843.67 of which $35,685.17 is the County’s portion and $6,158.50 will be charged to the appropriate school boards as listed in Appendix 1. Click here to read the staff report.

Tender Award Contract – Wellington Sanitary Sewer Pumping Station
Staff will enter into a subdivision agreement with Kaitlin Corporation, with a condition of servicing allocation being held subject to pre-payment of development charges received no later than October 1, 2024, in keeping with the spirit of the upfront financing agreements in place.

The Mayor and Clerk will execute an agreement with Strong Bros. General Contracting Ltd. to install the new Wellington Sanitary Pumping Station in the amount of $6,046,484.00 plus all applicable taxes.

Council approved additional funds in the amount of $2,936,100.00 from long-term debt to be added to Capital Project INI-0133, with the debt to be entirely repaid by Development Charge revenue.

More information about the project, and links to important documents, can be found on the August 27 Council meeting agenda.

Design Services Award for New Wellington Regional Water Treatment Plant and Intake
Council awarded a contract to EVB Engineering in the amount of $2,487,321.00 plus applicable taxes for the design services for the new Wellington Regional Water Treatment Plant and Intake, conditional on a successful Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund application.

The County will defer construction on all further waterworks infrastructure projects that are not already in practice to minimize financial risks.

This involves:

  1. Milestones being completed, including the Picton Master Servicing Plan and the proposed County-wide Development Charges Study,
  2. Program Management, to provide a structured and visible roadmap of all components, stages and scope of the program with timelines and budgets, to control the cost and pace of inter-related projects over the duration of the entire waterworks program.
  3. Cost Recovery Management, to provide a structured and visible roadmap that will ensure that costs are recovered from development charges in a timely manner to minimize the overall debt load.
  4. Communications Management, to provide clear and concise messages to all stakeholders regarding the overall objectives, progress updates, challenges, changes, and risks over the course of the program.

More information about the project, and links to important documents, can be found on the August 27 Council meeting agenda.


Committee of the Whole Highlights – August 29, 2024

Lars Hansen of the Queen E (QE) community group addressed Council regarding the Queen Elizabeth Re-development Project. Click here to read the deputation.


Blue Box Recycling – Transition Update

Bill Sandison, General Manager of Quinte Waste Solutions, addressed Council regarding the Blue Box Recycling Transition Update. Click here to view the presentation.

Comments from the Audience
Barinder Gill, Executive Director of the Prince Edward Family Health Team, provided a comment regarding agenda item 7.3 Designated municipal land for a medial building hub development. He noted that it is a unique opportunity, and it demonstrates how Prince Edward County is a strong municipal partner and the benefits of working together.

Karen Mayer provided a comment regarding agenda item 4.1 – The Queen Elizabeth Re-development Project. She spoke to the work of hospice Prince Edward and interest in being part of the QE re-development project.

Items on the Agenda

Proposed Development Charge (DC) Study for Future Water/Wastewater Infrastructure and 2023 DC Annual Treasurer’s Report
The County’s Treasurer will forward the statement contained in Appendix 1 to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing in accordance with the Development Charges Act, 1997 and Ontario Regulation 82/98.

Staff will procure a consultant to begin a DC Background Study for Water and Wastewater Infrastructure requirements throughout the municipality in 2024 with funds from the Studies Reserve. Click here to read the staff report.

2023 Parkland Reserve Fund Annual Year End Report
The County’s Treasurer will forward the statement contained in Attachment 1 to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing in accordance with section 42 of the Planning Act.

Staff will bring forward budget proposals which allocate the parkland funds in proximity to the geography where they were collected. Click here to read the staff report.

Designate Municipal Land for Medical Building Development
Parts of a parcel of municipal land located at 375 Main Street East, Picton will be designated for the purpose of partnering with the Prince Edward Family Health Team to develop a purpose-built medical facility, leveraging funding available through the Ministry of Health Capital Branch funding program. Click here to read the staff report.

Resolution from Councillor Pennell seeking Council support for Salem Road
Councillor Pennell brough forward a resolution seeking Council support for Salem Road. The County’s Operational Services staff will consider including Salem Road in the next 5-Year Road Program (2028-2033). Click here to view Councillor Pennell’s resolution.

The next Regular Meeting of Council will be held on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 7 pm at Shire Hall, 332 Main Street, Picton. 

The next Committee of the Whole meeting will be held on Thursday, September 12, 2024, at 1 pm at Shire Hall.

This summary is not a complete record of the proceedings of the meetings. For the official record, please refer to the minutes in the next Council agenda.  A video of this meeting is available on The County’s YouTube Channel.

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