Closed session
Council began the meeting with a closed session to consider a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board; and, advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose.
Motions arising from the closed session authorized the Mayor and CAO to negotiate a memorandum of understanding with Stay PEC. The MOU will acknowledge StayPEC as a stand-alone destination marketing organization, eligible to access a portion of Municipal Accommodations Tax funds until December 31, 2024 in order to allow time to negotiate an integration with the new DMO, Visit The County.
Destination Marketing Organization establishment
Council directed the Clerk’s office to coordinate a recruitment process for a skills-based board for the Destination Marketing Organization with consideration for sector diversity. The Nominations Committee will report back to Council on May 24. Council also authorized staff to bring forward the by-law to formally establish the Destination Marketing Organization for Council approval on May 24.
Council received a deputation from Cheryl Anderson, representing the South Shore Joint Initiative, Prince Edward County Field Naturalists and Prince Edward Point Bird Observatory. The deputation requested that Council consider environmental priorities in the formation of a destination marketing organization.
Next Council Meeting: April 26, 2022
This summary is not a complete record of the proceedings of the meeting. For the official record, please refer to the minutes in the next Council agenda. A video of this meeting is available on The County’s YouTube Channel.