The long-term plan for reliably delivering water and wastewater services to Picton and Bloomfield is now available for review and feedback.
The Picton Master Servicing Plan (MSP) completes the picture on the infrastructure needed to support anticipated growth, which is predominantly happening in Picton and Wellington. The plan identifies $108 million of infrastructure upgrades to boost the municipality’s capacity to deliver clean drinking water in Picton and Bloomfield and to treat wastewater safely and effectively in Picton.
The municipality will leverage new growth in the form of development charges to fund most of this work, which will limit the impact on rates/user fees. The Picton MSP will be used to inform a Development Charges study that will tell exactly how much the municipality can recover from new growth, ensuring those funds will be collected before new housing is built. In August, Council directed staff to begin the study this year. Learn more in this staff report.
Between 2025 and 2032, 3,244 housing units are expected to be built in Picton, with another 2,714 housing units between 2033 and 2043. The municipality anticipates collecting up to $119 million in development charges on these Picton projects up to 2043. Additional development charges will also be collected after this timeframe when the remaining units are constructed. Click here to view a detailed breakdown of planned development in Prince Edward County.
Picton water and wastewater servicing details
The recently completed Regional Water Supply Servicing Master Plan recommended connecting Picton and Bloomfield to the Wellington Drinking Water System and obtaining full servicing capacity from a new regional water treatment plant in Wellington. This preferred alternative is included in the Picton MSP.
The Picton MSP also outlines recommendations in the following areas:
- Storage, pumping, valves, and linear distribution upgrades — Estimated capital cost: $19 million
- Additional storage on Base31 area — Estimated capital cost: $16 million
- Transmission Main and Booster — Estimated capital cost: $55 million
- Wastewater collection system upgrades — Estimated capital cost: $9 million
- Influent lift station at Picton wastewater treatment plant — Estimated capital cost: $9 million
- Wastewater treatment upgrades — Estimated capital cost: $65 million
Stormwater collection sewers
- New stormwater ponds and stormwater sewers — Cost TBD (paid for by development)
- Stormwater management upgrades — Estimated capital cost of $4 million
Click here to view a financial breakdown of the preliminary preferred recommendations for Picton.
Click here to view the presentation slides.
You can submit feedback to Jeff Shortt, Project Manager, by emailing The deadline for submissions is by Thursday, October 17.
Visit the County website for more information about this study.