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NOTICE: County seeks members for Task Team and Working Groups

August 23, 2024

The County of Prince Edward is looking to attract a diverse range of dedicated community volunteers to serve on the Transit Strategy Task Team, the Krasyliv Friendship City Working Group, and the Environmental Advisory Committee Communications Working Group.

What is a Task Team?

A Task Team is an assembly of experts working together with a specific, achievable, and measurable goal/purpose and ends when that goal/purpose is realized. A Task Team will follow a set workflow, as determined in the Task Team’s Terms of Reference. A board/committee may use a Task Team to address a series of ongoing tasks of the same purpose and workflow or a single major task.

What to expect as a member of the Transit Strategy Task Team (seeking two public members and one youth):

Members will advise the municipality through the Transit Strategy refresh project and will assist staff in developing appropriate planning objectives and scope of work for the transit consultant, and support staff in the recruitment and selection of a consultant. The group will ensure that robust and thoughtful public/stakeholder consultation informs the planning process and will provide feedback before a final report and recommendations are presented to the Traffic Advisory Committee and to Council for approval. Click here to view the Transit Strategy Task Team’s Terms of Reference.

What is a Working Group?

A Working Group is an assembly of interested people, led by a Chair, working together to determine the best strategic ways to impact a specified subject, as determined by the Working Group’s Terms of Reference.

What to expect as a member of the Krasyliv Friendship City Working Group (seeking two public members:

The group will support the municipality in establishing, managing, evaluating, and retiring a Friendship City relationship with Krasyliv Territorial Community in Ukraine, and provide community participation, leadership, and resourcing for the duration of the term of the Friendship City Relationship. Members will advise the Mayor and Council about the content of the Friendship City Agreement and the proposed activities and may lead, coordinate, facilitate, enable, or participate in activities related to implementing the Friendship City. Click here to view the Krasyliv Friendship City Working Group’s Terms of Reference.

What to expect as a member of the Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) Communications Working Group (seeking 9 public members):

The group will investigate and advise, assist, and report to the Environmental Advisory Committee on matters where public outreach or public communications is deemed beneficial in assisting Prince Edward County and its residents in preparing for, adapting to, and mitigating the effects of climate change and other environmental threats. Members will identify outreach and engagement channels and opportunities, advise the Committee on appropriate communications/outreach to the public, prepare appropriate communications/outreach material, and promote climate change mitigation and adaptation. Click here to view the EAC Communications Working Group’s Terms of Reference.

Any permanent resident, property owner, or business owner in Prince Edward County that is 16 years of age or older is eligible to apply.

The deadline to apply for the Working Groups or Task Team is Friday, September 13 at 5 pm. To learn more and to apply online, visit the County website.

If you have any questions, please contact the Clerk’s Office at or call 613.476.2148 extension 1020 between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday.



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