The Planning and Development Committee will hold a meeting pursuant to Sections 21, 34, and 53 of the Planning Act on Wednesday, February 19.
New process changes approved by Council in November 2024 are now in effect. Of note:
- The portion of the Planning and Development Committee meeting dedicated to statutory public meetings will now begin at 6 pm instead of 7 pm.
- The portion of the Planning and Development Committee meeting dedicated to decision meetings will begin immediately following the statutory public meetings.
- The Planning and Development Committee will not make a decision on any statutory public meeting matters. The applications will come back to a future Planning and Development Committee meeting for its recommendation to Council regarding a decision.
Statutory public meetings will take place for the following applications on February 19:
Application #1
- Address: 1874 County Road 12 (Ward 2 Bloomfield/Hallowell)
- Applicant: West Lake Lodge Ltd. o/a Dunes Lookout Resort
- Purpose: Rezone to permit a resort with 20 cottages, a bike café, and guest amenity building near the waterfront with a communal dock.
- Planner: Angela Buonamici (
- Application page: Rezoning File No.: Z22-24
Application #2
- Address: Lighthall Road, south of 497 County Road 24 (Ward 5 Athol)
- Applicant: Douglas Brown and Matthew Brown
- Purpose: Create two new lots with rezoning as a result of the consent.
- Planner: Emily Overholt (
- Application page: Consent & Rezoning File No.: B88-20, B89-20 & Z76-20
Application #3
- Address: East of 1779 South Big Island Road (Ward 6 Sophiasburgh)
- Applicant: Donald McLean
- Purpose: Create two new lots with rezoning as a result of the consent.
- Planner: Emily Overholt (
- Application page: Consent & Rezoning File No.: B104-21, B105-21 & Z83-21
Application #4
- Address: West of 620 County Road 39 (Ward 7 Hillier)
- Applicant: Margaret Wright
- Purpose: Create one new lot with rezoning as a result of the consent.
- Planner: Emily Overholt (
- Application page: Consent & Rezoning File No.: B15-24 & Z24-24
Decision meetings will take place for the following applications on February 19:
Application #1
- Address: Various locations throughout Prince Edward County
- Applicant: Municipally initiated
- Purpose: Re-designate areas of the current Shore Land designation to the Rural or Agricultural designations where there is overlap with the Natural Features and Areas as shown on Schedule B of the Official Plan.
- Planner: Scott Pordham (
- Application page: Official Plan Amendment File No: OPA-04-24
Application #2
- Address: 519 Gore Road (Ward 4 Ameliasburgh)
- Applicant: Dineen Pulver and 696444 Ontario Inc.
- Purpose: Create one new lot.
- Planner: Emily Overholt (
- Application page: Consent File No.: B7-24
The meeting will take place at Shire Hall (332 Picton Main Street) beginning at 6 pm.
The public is invited to participate in-person, virtually, and/or through written comments submitted to the respective planner prior to the meeting.
Members of the public who wish to speak at the public meeting, either in-person or virtually, are encouraged to register by contacting by noon on Tuesday, February 18. Upon registering to speak at the meeting, members of the public will be emailed instructions on attending the meeting in person or a unique link and directions for participating in the meeting via Zoom.
For more information, including information about preserving your appeal rights, please contact Development Services, 280 Picton Main Street, 2nd Floor, Picton, ON K0K 2T0, or call 613.476.2148.