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County of Prince Edward applies for $18 million in provincial funding to support water infrastructure

April 19, 2024

The County of Prince Edward has applied to the Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund (HEWSF) seeking $18 million to support the development of a regional water plant and a new raw water intake in Wellington.

“We have submitted a strong application supported by the prudent long-term planning that Council has overseen the last several years,” says Marcia Wallace, Chief Administrative Officer for the County of Prince Edward. “The projects we have put forward align with the Government of Ontario’s commitment to promoting growth and enabling housing. We are hopeful our application will be successful.”

A new regional water plant has been identified as the preliminary preferred alternative for servicing both Picton and Wellington. The new plant would replace the two exisitng smaller water plants and provide the necessary capacity for new development in the municipality’s two largest urban areas.

A regional plant would also eliminate the water quality and supply concerns that currently exisit with Picton drinking water system, which draws source water from Picton Bay.

The preliminary cost estimate for the regional plant is $40 million and the new intake is $15 million. The majority of these costs would be covered by development charges or connection charges for the portion that supports new growth. The portion of these projects that benefits existing users would be paid for through water rates. Should the municipality’s HEWSF application be approved, those funds would cover the community benefit portion, ultimately reducing the financial impact on existing users.

“Prince Edward County needs more types of housing to meet a range of needs for our residents and businesses. We continue to move ahead with planning in responsible and fiscally responsible manner so that we can take advantage of funding opportunities such as this one that will limit the impact on our ratepayers,” CAO Wallace says.

The municipality is planning and investing in its water systems to help ensure well-managed growth protects the rural character of our region, while providing a mix of housing and economic opportunities in existing villages and centres. Learn more about this work on the County website.

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