Prince Edward County Municipal Services


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Housing Provider / Developer / Landlord

Building? Have Housing? Find resources below for property owners, landlords and developers.

Landlord Support

Talk to the County’s Housing Help Coordinator about mediated agreements with your tenants and get resource information. Email or call 613.476.2148 extension 1069.

Landlords can also access information and resources through the Landlord’s Self-Help Centre. Landlord’s Self-Help Centre is the only community clinic funded by Legal Aid Ontario that provides services exclusively to small-scale landlords across Ontario. Learn more

Secondary Suites 

Apply annually for a forgivable loan to create long-term affordable rental housing on your residential property.

The municipality created the program from its reserves for affordable housing. The secondary suites program increases the supply of long-term rentals by adding units to existing residential properties.

Eligible homeowners and small landlords (fewer than 10 units) could receive non-repayable loans of up to $25,000 to create or substantially renovate secondary units. Funding is an interest-free, non-repayable loan that is forgiven on the condition that the unit is affordable and rented to long-term tenants for a minimum of 15 years.

Call 613.476.2148 ext 1529 or for more information on applying.

Developer Support

County of Prince Edward Planning and Building staff can help navigate zoning requirements when creating the physical elements of a new or expanding development. In order to connect with the most appropriate staff and receive a timely response, please call 613.476.2148 extension 2040 or fill in and submit a development inquiry form.

The Housing Department can assist developers, both non-profit and private sector, with developments that will include affordable housing units. Staff can provide community information and planning requirements. 

Quarterly information on average market sales for two-bedroom homes and rental housing is made available to the public. Click here to view the fourth quarter report for 2024.

Contact the County’s Housing Department for your affordable housing development project. Call 613.476.2148 extension 1529 or email

Regional Government Support

Prince Edward Lennox and Addington Social Services (PELASS) offers private landlords an opportunity to provide affordable housing to renters who already live in their units or renters from the centralized wait list. Visit the PELASS website to learn more.

Developers may be able to access — through PELASS — federal and provincial funding to expand affordable housing. Contact PELASS at 613.354.0957 if your development idea involves new builds or renovation of an existing building to create additional affordable housing in the community.