Traffic Advisory Committee
The Traffic Advisory Committee will evaluate matters pertaining to traffic, active transportation, and/or parking in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act. Canadian, provincial, and municipal design guidelines and criteria will be taken into consideration when reviewing traffic and active transportation matters.
The committee will review matters related to roadways, parking, speed zones, pedestrian paths, sidewalks, cross-walks, and cycling lanes/paths, and provide recommendations that promote safety and livability in our community.
The goals and purpose of the Traffic Advisory Committee are to:
- Identify challenges and opportunities in high-traffic areas;
- Provide information and recommendations to Council regarding traffic, parking, and speed zones;
- To review and consider traffic, parking, and speed zone concerns as raised by the public, unless the matter has already been addressed by the Committee within the term of Council and there has not been a significant change to the matter since it was previously raised;
- To promote, support, and increase traffic initiatives throughout Prince Edward County;
- Advocate for the safety of pedestrians and cyclists in Prince Edward County; and
- Other activities as requested through motion of Council.
Review the Traffic Advisory Committee Terms of Reference.
- Three (3) members of Council.
- Four (4) public representatives appointed by Council for the term of Council or until reappointed, all of whom should have demonstrated interest and knowledge of traffic safety.
- Two (2) youth representatives (16 – 25).
- Ward 2 Bloomfield/Hallowell Councillor Phil Prinzen
- Ward 4 Ameliasburgh Councillor Janice Maynard
- Ward 4 Ameliasburgh Councillor Sam Grosso
- Kelly McGillivray
- Phil Dawson
- Kevin Morris
- Shadi Hagag
- Emily Gilchrist
There are vacancies in the youth representative positions. If you are a permanent resident, property owner, or business owner in Prince Edward County between the ages of 16-25 years old, apply HERE.
The Traffic Advisory Committee shall meet no less than three (3) times per year, and more frequently at the discretion of the Chair.
The meeting, agenda, and minutes will be available to the public, on the municipal website. Members of the public may participate electronically as requested, in accordance with the Procedural By-Law.
If you have any questions about the Traffic Advisory Committee, contact the Clerk’s Office at or call 613.476.2148 ext. 1020.
Frequently Asked Questions
Please use the Action Request feature on the Customer Service page to submit an issue for review and receive a tracking number.
Once the Clerk's Office receives your request, it will be placed on a Requests Tracker. Requests will be addressed in the order in which they are received. Please note that there is often a significant wait time before an issue comes before the committee as a substantial number of requests are submitted by the public on an ongoing basis.
Requests from the Requests Tracker are brought forward to committee in the order in which they are received. When your issue has been placed on a specific agenda, you will be notified via email. The summary comments you initially submitted will be published on the meeting agenda for the committee to consider without any personally identifiable information with the exception of your name. It is important to note that issues are often brought forward by multiple members of the public and all comments will be included in the same agenda item.
Members of the public are welcome to make comments on any item on the agenda. Agendas are published three days in advance of scheduled meetings. If there is an item on the agenda you wish to offer comment on, please register by emailing For more information on ways you can participate, please visit the Council and Committee Meetings webpage.
The Terms of Reference for the Traffic Advisory Committee prevent a matter that has already been addressed by the committee within the term of Council from being re-heard unless there has been a significant change to the matter since it was previously raised.
A substantial number of traffic matters are brought forward for review by this committee. Similar requests are grouped together and considered in a single agenda item. This procedure allows the committee to hear as many unique matters as possible to alleviate backlogs and limit the time between when a request is submitted and when it is heard by committee as much as possible.
When an item is placed on an agenda, the committee members will consider it and make a recommendation to Council if they feel further action is warranted. The meeting minutes will specify what action is recommended in the motion. Members of the public may attend meetings to hear the recommendations or may wait until the minutes are adopted and published on the web portal.
In the case of the Traffic Advisory Committee, the timeline for further action by staff is dependent upon many factors. Please continue to watch for published agendas to see what matters and reports come back at each scheduled meeting. Agendas are published three days in advance of scheduled meetings on the County's Meetings page.